You Can Win: A Step-by-Step Tool for Top Achievers (English)

You Can Win: A Step-by-Step Tool for Top Achievers (English)


Have you ever had a dream that you want so badly but somehow it never came true? Have you ever watched people succeed in achieving their dreams while you didn’t?

Yes, we have all been there someday. Some people seem to master the game of life. They just know what they want and they are not afraid to get it.

So why aren’t you doing the same? This book will shed the light on the reason why success seems to work for some people and not for others.

This book is a manual that will take you step by step. This book will teach you how to be successful. It will help you start your journey from dreaming big, setting clear goals, to achieve your dreams.

What is interesting in the book is that each chapter will provide you with an action plan. This is like an exercise that you can practice to learn the secrets of successful people.

So if success is what you’re after, stay tuned to know more about the inner workings of winning the game.

Importance of attitude: Building a positive Attitude

Surely you have wondered why some people, organizations, and companies are more successful than others. The answer is in the quality.

When we talk about quality, we mean the quality of people and business choices. In the world of success, attitude is what sets the most effective people from the losers.

Every great building starts with a strong foundation. Every successful business starts with TQP. TQP refers to Top Quality People. These are the people that once you add to your team, they’ll have a strong desire to do their best to improve the quality of your business.

Studies have proven that most people get the job because of their attitude not because of their resumes.  Having a positive attitude towards your business and life in general is the key the finding your success.

Our attitudes are determined by our environment, education, and experiences. A positive person always cares about others. He is always confident, patient, and resourceful.

To become among the Top Quality People you have to focus on being positive. Practice everyday till it becomes a habit, and keep educating yourself. You also need to avoid negative influences such as negative people and TV programs.

One day a visit from a wise man changed the life of an African Farmer. Hafiz was happy living and working in his farm. But that all changed by simple words from a wise man.

When he visited Hafiz, the wise man told him that diamonds can make him rich. He told him that if he had a diamond as big as his thumb he can own a city. If the diamond was as big as his fist, he can buy a whole country.

This idea kept Hafiz awake all night long. He was no unhappy so he decided to sell his farm and go looking for diamonds. He traveled everywhere till he reached Spain. He was now broke, tired, and without any hope of finding the diamonds.

So he killed himself. He jumped off the river and there he was, dead.

What Hafiz didn’t know is that back home everything changed. The man who bought his farm found diamonds in his own river. One day the new farmer was enjoying the morning sun and he noticed something shinning in the water stream.

When the wise man visited the new owner of the farm, they both realized that Hafiz was sleeping on a diamond mine. Only if he knew.

That proves that positive attitude is everything. If Hafiz stayed positive and believed in his own assets, he would have become the richest of all. Because he approached life with a negative attitude, he was hopeless and lost his own life.


Success: Winning Strategies

We now know that success is the result of our attitude. Our attitude is a choice, so success is a matter of choice and not luck.
To move ahead in life, we need to seek opportunities and not just be satisfied with what we have. Success is a subjective word. It’s the journey of realizing your goals one after the other.

Obstacles don’t matter. Every success story has failure in its history. Remember Thomas Edison? He failed almost 10,000 times before he succeeded in creating a light bulb.

To have a mentality of success you need to have a strong desire to succeed, commitment, and responsibility. You must also be willing to work harder than others. Success also comes for those who are patient, caring for others, have a good personality and positive attitude.

You also need to be able to manage your time for the best results and be persistent when facing difficult times. Most people quit when they’re about to achieve their greatest profit yet. Dare to take risks.

Come to the world of business prepared. Believe in the laws of nature and make them work for you. Also never forget to be grateful and to learn from your mistakes.

A young man once asked Socrates about the secrets of success. Socrates told him to meet him the next day by the river. As they were walking, they got closer to the river.

Socrates grabbed the man by the neck, and pushed him down the river. The man couldn’t breathe. He was struggling to run away from Socrates’ grasp but he failed. Socrates was stronger than him.

The man struggles and struggles till his face turned blue. Socrates then let him go. As the man caught his breath, Socrates asked him what was the thing he wanted the most when he was under water. The man replied that he wanted “air”.

Socrates told him that only when you want success as much as you wanted air, only then you’ll succeed. A cruel but important lesson is learned here.

If your desire is strong enough, then all you have left is apply the principles of success.

Motivation: Motivating Yourself and Others Everyday

The most important question to ask is not how to do something but why you’re not doing it already. Most people know exactly what they have to do in order to succeed, but they don’t know is why they are not doing these things.

You can be inspired by other people, but you can only be motivated by changing your action plan. Your inner values are the most lasting motivation source in your life. If you believe in some cause, you’ll be motivated to do whatever it takes to achieve it.

You can be motivated by external factors such as fear, money, and incentives. You can also be motivated by internal factors such as pride, sense of achievement, responsibility, and caring for others.

You can motivate others by giving them the recognition and respect they need, helping them, listening to their needs, and challenging them to always do better.

There was a boy who used to play soccer in his school team. The boy was always in reserves because the coach didn’t believe in him.
His father will always come to watch him play, but his son never made it to the team. So the boy stopped coming to practice. But suddenly, he showed up again.

It was the finals. The boy was very determined to play this time. He begged his coach to let him play. The coach refused because the pride of the school was at stake. Everyone was there watching.

After begging and begging, the coach gave up and allowed him to play. The boy surprised everyone, he was on fire. He scored all the goals and he was the star of the game.

When the game was over, the coach asked the boy how he did that. He was always bad at soccer, and suddenly he was a star. The boy told him that his father was watching him this time.

But the father wasn’t there. The coach asked him where his father is. The boy said that his father was blind. Every time he came to practice he wasn’t able to see him play, but today his father could see him for the first time.

The coach asked how. The boy answered that his father was dead. He’s now watching him from above.

You can be the start of your life if you have a strong motivation. Just set clear goals, have high expectations, and move forward in life.


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