Who Will Cry When you Die? Life Lessons from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (English)

Who Will Cry When you Die? Life Lessons from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (English)


Are you unhappy? Are you not satisfied with the life you have and you want change? If your answer is yes, then this book is the answer to all your problems.

This book is different from any book that you have read. This book will take you back to the basis of human nature. This is not a worksheet that will help you be active for a few weeks then go back to living the same life you were so desperate to change.

You can be sure that once you read it, you are never going to be the same. You may be wondering why? The answer is simple: you will learn the art of living.

You will learn the importance of finding your own path while staying connected with others. Being successful doesn’t always require isolation. We need to be kinder to each other. We need to keep a clear perspective of who we are and who we are trying to be.

This book will also teach you some key values such as honesty, learning to say no, as well as knowing when and how to worry. You will also learn some practical tricks such as keeping a journal and waking up early.

If you are looking for real change, a change that will start from your core values, then come along with us through this trip of knowledge and motivating stories.

Discover Your Calling

Have you ever felt like your life is going by? Like you don’t even notice how you spent your weeks and days? Have you ever felt like you are living life without meaning? And that you need that something to make you feel good?

The reason why our lives have lost their meaning is because we are disconnected. We live in a world where we can see each other even though we live in different parts of the world. We can call and chat. Still, we have never felt more alone. The reason behind this loneliness is because we have lost our calling. If you are feeling lost, don’t worry, you can change.

In order to find your calling, you don’t need to quit your job or go after a new pursuit to find your passion. You can find your purpose just by doing your best in everything you do. Just be the change you want to see in the world and stop waiting for people to do your part of the job for you.


Maintain Your Perspective

In order to live happy, you need to focus on your own perspective towards life. Sometimes we are faced with a difficult situation and we feel like our world is falling apart. If we just stop and change the way we are looking at the situation, the whole problem will seem less horrible.

We are but a small part of this galaxy. Just look at the world around you and you’ll realize that we are only small pieces playing our part in the circle of life. So why have a gloomy perspective? Just enjoy every moment as it comes and you’ll be the happiest person on the planet.

An old story tells that one day, two patients were sharing a room in a hospital. One was given a bed next to a window and the other had a normal bed.

Since the patient who could not look through the window was not able to move, his friend acted like his eyes in the room. The patient with the window would look through the window and describe the scene he saw to the bedridden man.

He would describe the trees and the leaves dancing on their branches. Sometimes he would describe the things the people were doing outside. Each day was a new adventure.

The bedridden man grew jealous of his friend. He was angry because his friend could see the outside world while he could not. Day after day he started disliking his friend and then stories. This continued till the day that the bedridden man decided that he hated his friend.

One night, the patient next to the window started coughing. After coughing for a while, he stopped breathing. Instead of calling for the doctors, the bedridden man chose to do nothing. His friend died.

After the body of the patient was taken away from the room, the bedridden man requested that he would be moved to the bed next to the window. He was so eager to look at the beautiful view through his own eyes.

To his surprise, he discovered that the only thing he could see through the window is a bricked wall. He knew then that his friend was imagining things only to make him feel better. His friend loved him so much.

If the bedridden man did not envy his friend, they would have enjoyed sharing more beautiful memories together. Now, he deeply regrets what he did.


Practice Tough Love

At the centre of every successful story, you will find that discipline is the key. If you have big goals and you want to achieve them all, then you have to be ready to do whatever it takes every day. You have to push through. That is the power of discipline.

Discipline can also be referred to as tough love. It may be hard to think that you should be strict with yourself, but when you see the results of tough love, you will be very surprised. It is better to control your life and live it through your own terms rather than just always following through.

Aristotle believes that men learn by doing. What we want to achieve doesn’t matter as much as the choices we make to reach it. For example, if a man wanted to become a builder, he can do that by only practicing every day. If we just do things like life wants us to, then we will be living a life without meaning. But if our acts are controlled, then we are the ones controlling our life, and our future.

Keep a Journal

Many successful people tell the story about how keeping a journal changed their lives. Some even claim that if they didn’t keep a journal, their success would be impossible to achieve. Why?

Keeping a journal will help you look at your experiences in depth. You will see the lessons you have learned through your day and the mistakes that you should avoid.

Think about your journal like you are having a daily one on one conversation with yourself. This will help you understand yourself and the world around you better.

You need to take note that keeping a journal is different from maintaining a diary. A diary is just a record of what happens through your life, but a journal is a deep analysis of every aspect of your daily encounters and experiences.

Even medical research has proven the importance of keeping a journal. Just writing on a journal for 15 minutes a day is enough to improve your health and your overall performance.

So starting from today, try to write on your journal even for a few minutes. If you believe that your life is worth living, then it’s definitely worth writing about.

Develop an Honesty Philosophy

We often notice that people say words that they don’t mean to keep. They promise you lots of things but they don’t do anything. You feel disappointed. You feel like you no longer can trust that person again.

Sometimes we even make promises to ourselves that we don’t keep. We promise ourselves to change this year, to do better today, or to work harder tomorrow. Then tomorrow comes and nothing changes.

If you’re not honest, you’ll lose your credibility. When trust is lost among people, connections become weaker and they become unstable.

In order to keep your word, try keeping your promises for one week. Whatever you say can be a law that must never be broken. Be honest with yourself and with others. Every time you say something truthful, you are building the habit of honesty.


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