The Science of Getting Rich (English)

The Science of Getting Rich (English)


Do you want to get rich? Do you want to live the good life? Do you want to be the best you can be? You will know the secret to success, happiness and riches in this book.

No matter who you are or what you do, you can become rich. You can make your dreams come true. This book will teach you exactly how. There are techniques you need to follow and guidelines you need to remember.

The life you’ve always wanted is within your grasp. You just need to think and act in a certain way. You need to give thanks and be a blessing to others. If you apply what you will learn in this book,nothing can stop you from getting rich.

The Right to be Rich

Is it wrong to desire for riches? Is it wrong to dream of a comfortable life? No, it is not. Riches don’t only mean money. It is also having the tools to develop your body, mind and soul. If you have riches, then you can achieve your full potential.

To have a healthy body, you need food, clothing, and shelter. You also need rest and recreation. You can afford all these things if you have riches.

To have a healthy mind, you need books. You need to travel and see the world. You need to appreciate art. You will be able to read, study, and travel if you have riches.

To have a healthy soul, you need to give love. You can be a responsible spouse, parent, and citizen if you have riches.
Everybody has the potential to be rich. This book will teach you how to be rich so you can live your life to the full.

The Science of Getting Rich

If you follow the exact steps in this book, you will become rich. That is why it is a science. You need to do things in a certain way. No matter who you are or where you come from, if you do things in a certain way, you will be rich.

It is not about being born in a certain environment. If that’s true, then there would be places where everyone is rich and other places where everyone is poor. Take for example, the developing countries. There are people who suffer in poverty. But there are also people who live wealthy. Why is this so?

Let’s say that Mr. A and Mr. B live in the same town. Both of them are selling fruits. Why is it that Mr. A becomes rich but Mr. B remains poor? The point is that a person gets rich not because of his environment. It is because he does things in a certain way.

Is being rich related to unique talents or skills? Let’s take for example Mr. X and Mr. Y. Both of them are master carpenters. Both of them are admired because of excellent carpentry skills. But Mr. X becomes rich but Mr. Y remains poor. Thus, being rich is not about having special talents either.

You need to do things in a certain way. That is the science of getting rich. You need to follow some proven effective steps. Who you are and what you do doesn’t matter.

Even if you don’t have capital, or influence, or wealthy friends, you can become rich. What you just need is to do things in a certain way. Then you will succeed.

Is Opportunity Monopolized?

It is not true that other people have monopolized all the riches on Earth that is why others are poor. The truth is that there is enough resources and opportunity for everybody. That is how abundant God, nature and the universes.

There is a formless substance in the universe. It is untapped energy waiting to be materialized. You have the power to tap into this formless energy. If you really want something, you can transform this energy into the thing that you really desire. That is how you become rich.


The First Principle in the Science of Getting Rich

How do you create the things you desire from the formless substance around you? The answer is just one word. And that is “Thought”.

All the things you have right now started as a thought. Like for example, the chair you sit on, the book you’re reading, the internet and smartphones you use. All of them began as a thought or as an idea. Think about it.

A series of thoughts formed the modern technology we have today. A series of thought formed the building where you work and the house where you live.

The human being is a thinking machine. The truth is that we have not yet realized the true power of our thoughts. Now, you will learn the first 3 principles in the science of getting rich.

The first principle is “There is a formless substance which fills the whole universe.” The second principle is “A thoughts can give form to the substance.” The third principle is “A person can create the thing he desires from the formless substance by using his thoughts.”
This is how you think in a certain way. If you truly want something, really think about it and it will be yours. Put in your mind all the details. See it, feel it, touch it. Think that you already possess the thing that you desire.

Really focus and do not contradict the idea. This is how your thoughts shape the formless substance. The time will come that the thing you desire will be yours.

And so, if you want to be rich, never think of disease or poverty.  Fill your mind with thoughts of riches. If you let the idea of disease or poverty in, you will really become ill or poor.

Believe that you will become rich. Believe that what you desire will truly be yours. Do not let doubt creep in. No matter the circumstances, you will have riches if you only believe.

Increasing Life

You need riches to do more, to know more and to be more. You need riches to live more. Are you familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need? It states that the most basic necessity of a human being is food, then clothes and shelter. After that is security. If the person has all of these, it is only then that he will be able to reach his full potential.

You need riches to acquire your most basic needs of food, clothes, shelter and security. And so the desire for riches is simply the desire to be the best person that you can be. It is the desire to be happy, successful, loved and valued. Who doesn’t want that?

God wants you to be rich. This is because if you are rich, then you can become a better instrument. And so, through you, God may reach more people. The universe wants you to be rich. This is why nature is so abundant and so full of life.

But you must remember this. Your purpose with riches should be in line with that of God and the universe. Your purpose should be to create and not destroy.

You must desire riches not just because of pleasure or greediness. You must not desire to be rich just because of ambition or popularity.

You must desire riches to nurture your body, mind and soul. You should use your riches to have food, clothes and shelter in the right amounts. You should use your riches to explore the world and to learn as much as you can. You should use your riches to find the truth, to love people, to do good things.

Your goal in having riches should be creation and not competition. It is terribly wrong to cheat, steal or take advantage. You shouldn’t take anything away from anyone. You shouldn’t covet what is not yours.

Riches which are obtained in a competitive way are only temporary and never satisfactory. You will own those riches today, but tomorrow it will also be taken away from you.

You do not need to compete. There will always be something for you. There is no limit in the formless substance that is in the universe.

How Riches Come to You

Now, here is exactly how you make the thing you desire materialize. This is how you transform the formless substance to tangible riches. It is through the power of your thought.

Let’s say for example that you want to have a sewing machine. The first thing you need to do is to create the clear image of the sewing machine in your mind. Think of all its details.

Then truly believe that it is coming, that it will be yours. Claim it already. Never doubt. Just believe that you will own that sewing machine.

The formless substance will find a way to get it to you. It may not come as you open your eyes, it may not come tomorrow but soon. If your purpose is to improve yourself and the lives of others, the universe will surely bring it to you. Just keep on believing.
There was once a poor man named Bill. He is a wage earner. He lives in an apartment. He only has enough money for three meals a day and nothing more.

Bill wears the same clothes every day and walks to go to work. One day, he wonders if he could pray for a new mat to sleep on and a coal stove to use in the winter. Bill followed the steps in this book. He imagined the mat and stove clearly in his mind. He never doubted that he will own them some day.

True enough, after a few months, Bill was able to buy a mat and a coal stove. That is because he received a bonus at work for his good performance.

Then, Bill thought what if he could get more things. What if this time he prays for a house? Again, he imagined all the details of it. He thought of where he would put the windows, the chairs, the kitchen and everything else.

After that, Bill lived as if he already owns the house. He performed better at work. He took good care of his body. He wakes up early in the morning and faces the day with positivity.

Bill owns the house now. He also prayed to have a loving family and it came true. He never loses faith and now Bill is rich.


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