The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? (English)

The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? (English)


Do you know what you’re here on Earth for? What do you think your answer would be when Death asks what you achieved in your life?Many philosophers and intellectuals have tried to answer this question. We have achieved years of evolution, but humanity has never totally agreed on the same answer. Why are we here?In this book, you’ll learn about how God fits into this age-old discussion.You’ll learn a new way of answering what your purpose truly is. Aside from that, you’ll also find ways to live a purpose-driven life. Even if you think you already know the answer, this book will offer you a fresh view on things. Are you ready to have a purpose-driven life?


It All Starts with God

You might think that your purpose in life is to achieve happiness or to be at the top, but it’s not. The reason why we get our purpose wrong is that we come from a selfish perspective. We ask ourselves, ““What should I do with myself?” or ““What do I want to be?”.” This won’t get you anywhere. When you constantly focus on yourself, you won’t get to see what your purpose in life is. So, you have to change your perspective. Start with who created you and why he created you.You are here because of God’s purpose and for his purpose only. Only he knows what you’re here for because he was the one who created you.

God made plans to create you even before your parents decided to conceive you. It’s not luck or  coincidence that you’re breathing at this moment. God decided to make you, and he carefully chose every feature you have right now. Everything that you are is because of him. He made no room for chance:, that’s why he planned out your life for his purpose.It’s true for everyone else too.He created you and everybody else because he loves and values you. In fact, his love for you was so great that he created this planet. Not just any planet, mind you, but a good planet. God made sure that you could live on Earth and that you could survive. All the things you need have been provided for by him.Love is God's character, and it's through this love that you're here for a reason.

What drives you to live your life? Some people are driven by their guilt, anger, or fear. You shouldn’t be like them. Life without purpose is meaningless. It’s like walking without any destination. You should aim for a purpose-driven life. Purpose gives you hope. Remember that God has plans for you, and he will give you far more than what you would expect.Having a purpose can also simplify your life. You do things that help fulfil God's purpose for you. If an act does not align with God’s purpose, then simply don’t do it. When you’re driven by guilt or anger, it can be easy to waste your time on things that don’t matter. Guilt, anger, or fear can also cause you stress all the time. When you have a purpose, you focus on your life, and you do so with passion. You know exactly where you're going because you know what God wants you to do.
A purpose-driven life will also prepare you for meeting God.

You will stand before him, and he will ask if you accepted him into your life. Next, God will ask you what you did with all that he gave to you. By the end of this book, hopefully, you will know what to answer.Speaking about life, how do you see it? Do you see it as a race where you have to outperform everyone? When you have a purpose-driven life, you see your life on Earth as a test. God will test you, again and again, to see how you'll handle challenges, failures, successes, and delays. He will see if you have grown as a person. Most especially, God will see if you felt his presence in every hurdle.Life on Earth is built on trust. We look after everything God has given to us, and he trusts that we will take care of it.Not only that, God wants to see that we are worthy of his trust. Life on Earth is a temporary assignment. We won't spend our eternity here. We will spend it in the kingdom of God. You shouldn’t attach yourself to earthly things, since you can’t take them with you to the afterlife. At the end of your life on Earth, you will face your final test, and God will evaluate how trustworthy you were.

Everything is for God and his glory. What is his glory? It’s his very presence, his power, and his importance. It is in everyone you meet and everywhere you look. Thus, our greatest achievement should be living for God’s glory. How do you do this? By holding these five purposes that glorify God.The first purpose is to worship him. Worshipping isn’t just about praying and singing. God wants us to enjoy, love, and give ourselves to him.

The second purpose is to love other believers. It calls on us to love each other because we belong to the same family, the family of God. This is your way of honouring him.The third purpose is to become like Christ. When we imitate Jesus in how he thought, felt, and acted, we glorify God.The fourth purpose is to serve others with our gifts. Our talents and our abilities aren’t for ourselves, but for the use of other people. We should never be selfish.The fifth purpose is to tell others about God. He expects us to tell others of his glory.


You Were Planned for God’s Pleasure

God, with all his power and glory, didn’t need to create you. But he created you because doing so gave him great enjoyment. This is the first purpose of your life. You’re unique because God created you, and no one else can bring pleasure to him in the way you do. When you bring pleasure to God, you’re also worshipping him. We often relate worship to singing songs, but it’s more than that.Worshipping is a lifestyle.

We must also get rid of the notion that there's a particular style of music when it comes to worshipping God. He enjoys any kind of music, whether it be slow or fast. It could be loud or soft, or it could be old or new. What matters to God is that you offer your songs in spirit and truth.We must also remember that worshipping is for God’s benefit alone.The goal is to bring glory and pleasure to him. Worship is not just an activity that’s part of your life. It should be your whole life. In the Bible, people would grab every opportunity to praise God. Even if they were in bed, at work, or in battle, they would find a way. This is what you should also do.


What Makes God Smile?

How do you make God smile? By loving him with all your heart. Noah loved God even when no one else did. The people ridiculed Noah, but his love for God never disappeared. God loves you, and he wants you to love him back. This is the kind of relationship the Creator wants with you.Another reason for God to smile is when we trust him. When he told Noah to build a ship because a flood was coming, Noah obeyed. God was disappointed in the humans he created, all except for Noah. Although there was no rain for months, and Noah lived far from the ocean, he obeyed God’s will. Be like Noah in the sense that you have full, strong faith in God.

He works in mysterious ways, but trust that God will do what’s best for you. He smiles when we praise and thank him. Worship works both ways.We enjoy the things God has given us. God smiles when we express our happiness and gratitude to him. It’s like when your mom cooks you the most delicious meals. You express your gratitude toward her for making such a satisfying dinner. Your mom hugs you and smiles at you because you appreciated her efforts.It’s not just through spiritual activities that you can please God. You can please him even when you're doing the dishes, jogging, or taking your dog for a walk. What's important is that behind every activity, there's an attitude of praise for God. You wouldn’t be doing those things if he hadn’t created you.


The Heart of Worship

““Surrender”” sounds like a bad word, but surrendering yourself to God is the center of worshipping him. We offer our life to our Creator because we love him. We offer our life to God because he loved us first. However, two things stop us from completely surrendering to him. The first is a matter of trust. We don’t know if we can trust him, and this is because we’re afraid. We are scared of what will happen. But love casts away all doubts and fears in your mind. When you realize just how much God loves you, you’ll easily surrender yourself to him. The second thing that prevents our total surrender is pride. We think that we can be like God, but we will never achieve his greatness and glory. We have limitations and weaknesses, while God has none.

What does it mean to surrender to God? It means that you obey everything that he says. When Simon was failing to catch fish, he said that even though fishing was fruitless, he would continue to do so because it was what Jesus said. Surrendering to God mean obeying his words even when they don’t make sense. You trust God and rely on him as the going gets tough. As you face failure after failure, you increase your trust in him. For you to have a purpose-driven life, surrender your life to God.


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