The Parable of the Pipeline: How Anyone Can Build a Pipeline of Ongoing Residual Income in the New Economy (English)

The Parable of the Pipeline: How Anyone Can Build a Pipeline of Ongoing Residual Income in the New Economy (English)


Did you grow up believing that the way to success is a stable job? That you should study hard for years just to become an employee?.Is that all that you can be? Have you ever wondered how to gain financial security or dreamed of becoming a millionaire? You will learn about all this and more from Burke Hedges’ book “Parable of the Pipeline”..“The Parable of the Pipeline” is the story of two young men who dreamed of becoming wealthy.This story teaches valuable lessons for life.You will learn two effective ways to become rich for the long-term. You will learn amazing concepts   to multiply your money. You will learn a simple technique to start a business.This book is gold. If you apply the lessons here, you will finally become rich, happy, and successful. Have you ever dreamed of becoming a smart investor and entrepreneur? Then this is the book for you.


Parable of the Pipeline

Once upon a time, there were two best friends who lived in a small town. Their names were Pablo and Bruno. The two friends shared the same big dream: they wanted to be the richest men in town.Finally, Pablo and Bruno had a great opportunity. There was no source of water for the town. There was only a huge tank at the town square, which needed to be filled with water from the nearby river.Two men were needed to carry buckets from the river to the tank.The two men who did this work were Pablo and Bruno. The town leader would give them one penny for every bucket they carried.Bruno was very happy because he believed that this was their dream come true and that soon they would be the richest men in town. But Pablo was not sure.

Every day, each of them carried two buckets filled with water back and forth between the town and the river. Pablo's whole body ached.Blisters formed in his hands. At night, he was exhausted.Pablo thought that had to be a better way to fill the tank.One day, Pablo shared his amazing plan with Bruno. “Hey, man. I have a great idea. Instead of carrying these buckets every day for one penny each, let us build a pipeline from the river to the tank.”Bruno was stunned. “Build a pipeline? That's the craziest idea I have ever heard!” Bruno explained that they had a fantastic job.They could carry 100 buckets every day, which earned them 100 pennies.

Bruno said that he could now afford to buy new shoes. Soon, he could buy a new hut to live in. They even had days offs on the weekends. He said, “Pablo, we are set for life. Forget about the pipeline.”But Pablo could not stop thinking about the pipeline.Somehow, he knew that this idea would work, and so, he reserved a few hours every day for building the pipeline. He would still carry buckets the rest of the time.Pablo knew that it would be difficult. He was alone, and he only used simple tools like a pickaxe and a shovel to complete the work, against hard and rocky soil.Pablo also knew that he would have less income since he would carry fewer buckets.

It might take him years to finish his project, but Pablo believed in his vision, and he persevered.The townspeople started to call him “Pablo the Pipeline Man”. They saw him dig and dig every day under the hot sun. Some of them even laughed at him,but Pablo continued working.Bruno, meanwhile, was living the good life. The people called him “Mr. Bruno”. He now earned more money than Pablo.Bruno bought a donkey and he wore fancy clothes. He bought a new hut and ate delicious meals every day.Bruno started going to the tavern every night. He would buy beer for everyone. He laughed out loud and shared many jokes. While Bruno was partying, Pablo was out in the dark, digging underground. Pablo even spent his weekends building the pipeline.

Pablo whispered to himself as he worked. “One step at a time…One step at a time… Eyes on the prize… Eyes on the prize…”Many months passed. Pablo completed half of the pipeline. He no longer needed to go all the way to the river; he could fetch water from the unfinished pipeline and carry the buckets to the tank. Pablo became even more determined to achieve his goal.Meanwhile, Bruno felt burned out. His back stooped from the daily bucket-carrying. He realized that he would do this task for the rest of his life and Bruno became miserable.People began to call him “Bruno the Bucket Man”. He stopped buying drinks for everyone at the tavern and no longer laughed loud or told jokes.

Bruno just stayed in a dark corner of the tavern where he finished one beer after another.At long last, the day that Pablo had been waiting for arrived. The pipeline was done. It was fully operational.The people gathered around the tank. Pablo’s pipeline filled the tank with gushing water. The people all had fun, splashing around the tank.Pablo didn't need to carry buckets anymore- the pipeline did the work for him. But, Pablo was still paid for every bucket filled, this way he earned money as he slept, as he ate, and as he played. The water just kept on running through the pipeline.Imagine how much money Pablo made!

The people now called him Pablo the Miracle Maker. They asked him to run as Mayor. But Pablo had other plans. For him, this is just the beginning. Pablo wanted to build many pipelines around the world!He didn't forget about his best friend. Pablo asked for Bruno's help. He explained that it took him two years to finish the pipeline alone. Together, they could work faster and even teach many people how to build a pipeline. Pablo and Bruno prospered with their multi-million dollar business.


We Live in a Bucket-carrying World

Who do you want to be like? Do you want to be like Bruno the Bucket Carrier or Pablo the Pipeline Builder? Most of us work in the “Time-for-Money Trap”. It means one day's work is equal to one day's pay. One month's work is equal to one month's pay.The problem is that if you are sick or if there's an emergency at home, then you cannot go to work and you will not be paid. You may believe that your job is a stable source of income, but it's not.Take for example, Lauren, a dentist. People like to go to Lauren because her procedures are pain-free and she is friendly.She earns $100,000 every year in a profession she loves.

However, when Lauren turned 40, she had arthritis.She could not move her fingers anymore. She could not do the procedures or even grasp the equipment for her profession. Lauren had to close her clinic. She became a lecturer at the local university and her income was cut by 70%.  Lauren lost her dream job.Do you see the problem with bucket-carrying? It doesn't matter if you are a janitor or an office clerk or a lawyer. No work means no pay. You have no financial security.If you lose your job, how will you pay for your mortgage?

How will you finance your child's education? Remember this:sickness, emergencies, pandemics and economic crises are part of life. Bad things happen. That's why you need to be prepared.Building a pipeline takes time, effort and patience, but once it's done, the pipeline will work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It will earn you money while you sleep or have fun at the beach.Bucket-carrying refers to a job or profession.Pipeline-building refers to being a smart investor and entrepreneur.Financial security means not having to worry about bills or your child's future or your retirement.You have it all covered, and you still have money for leisure.


Your Pipeline is Your Lifeline

You've got to build a pipeline. It will let money flow from your investments straight to your pockets. It is your source of financial security. No matter how huge your salary is, you will spend it. When you earn more, you spend more because you tend to upgrade your lifestyle.You will learn from this story of two different individuals. One is a bucket-carrier, and one is a pipeline builder. One lost all his wealth, while the other enjoyed financial security.Daryl Strawberry was a superstar baseball player. He started playing when he was a teenager and had an amazing career for 20 years. Daryl earned $5 million every year just from playing baseball He had an additional income of $2 million from endorsements and special appearances.

Now, you might think that Daryl was set for life, that this guy must have financial security. But this is not true. Daryl bought expensive mansions and luxury cars. He became an alcoholic and drug addict.His wife filed for divorce.Daryl had to pay for his law offences, his divorce settlement and his rehabilitation treatment. What's worse is that the sports authorities decided to suspend him because of bad behaviour. Daryl could not play anymore.He lost all his money and could not provide for his second wife and their children. Daryl died a poor man.Do you see how important saving and investing is? You do not need a big salary to build your pipeline.

You can save a portion of your salary right now and invest it in steady-growing assets.Margaret O'Donnell was a public school teacher from a small town. Her annual salary was $10,000. She worked at the school for 50 years. Margaret retired at age 70. She passed away at age 100. In her last will, she stated that her $2 million should be donated to 10 different charities.You heard it right.Margaret had two million dollars. How did she do that? How did she earn that much money? Her secret was investing.Margaret saved 10% of her annual salary. She invested it on index funds, medium and long term bonds.She applied the power of compounding. It means that she let her money grow over time.

This is how compounding works: Margaret added $1,000 to her pipeline every year. Her interest rate was at 10%. In the first year, she had $1,000 x 10% interest. In the second year, she had $2,000 x 10%. In the third year, she had $3,000 x 10% and so on.Margaret had the self-discipline to save a constant amount every year and let her money grow without touching it. She let her investments compound for 50 years.You might think that Margaret was a sad old woman who lived alone with her cats. But actually no, Margaret drove her own BMW. She travelled around the world with her friends. Margaret enjoyed her wealth, but she had self-discipline. Because of that, she had financial security.


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