The 5 Second Rule (English)

The 5 Second Rule (English)


Can 5 seconds really change your life? According to the speaker and author Mel Robbins, it can; and in more ways than you can imagine.

Do you dream of pursuing a career you’re passionate about? Do you want to improve your health or your relationships? Do you want to become more confident and face your fears head-on?

The 5 Second Rule will teach you to stop holding yourself back and take action, so that you can finally create the life of your dreams. This simple technique will help reshape your habits and transform every aspect of your life. With Robbins as your guide, you will learn how a simple commitment can radically change your future.

How I Discovered the #5SecondRule

Sometimes in life, even the simplest of tasks seem incredibly difficult. Things like replying to an email, or going to the gym, can feel paralyzing. This is how author Mel Robbins felt every day at the age of 41.

For Robbins, getting out of bed at the sound of her alarm was the most challenging task. As soon as she woke up, she thought of all the difficult things she was dealing with: bounced checks, a bank foreclosure on her house, not having a job, struggling as a wife and mother, and drinking to ease the pain. Snoozing the alarm felt like a small act of defiance. She began each day in a state of utter chaos.

As much as Robbins wanted to change her life; she didn’t know how. Until one night, when she heard a commercial on TV. It featured the typical 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 countdown of a rocket launch. Inspired, Robbins decided the next day she would propel herself out of bed like a rocket.

Though it seemed silly, when her alarm went off, Robbins counted down from five and got out of bed without snoozing the alarm. Thus, the #5SecondRule was born.

What You Can Expect When You Use It

When you feel the desire to act on a goal, count backwards from five to one and physically move your body. This is how the #5SecondRule creates tangible results in your life.

What Robbins found, and what psychological research supports, is that there is a five second window between your instinct to act, and your brain making the excuses which prevent you from taking action. By implementing the #5SecondRule, you get out of your own way and act to support your goals.

The five second window appears all the time throughout your day. When you employ the #5SecondRule, you will find yourself making small decisions to support, rather than sabotage your goals. You will stop making excuses and avoid the bad habits that get in your way. These small decisions will eventually add up to big results. The #5SecondRule works as long as you use it. It will help release the fear from your life and let you take control of your decisions.


Why the Rule Works

The #5SecondRule works because it is simple. When you feel the urge to act on a goal or feel yourself hesitate on something you should do, use the #5SecondRule to take action. Count backwards: 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1, and then move your body as soon as you hit “1”.

This forces you to act; rather than being stuck in a loop of hesitation or overthinking. The longer we spend thinking about something, the less likely it is that we will take action. This rule helps break this negative common pattern of human behavior.

You can use the #5SecondRule in three key ways. First; use it to change your behavior by forming new habits and breaking bad habits that aren’t serving you. Second;  use it to act with everyday courage by helping you conquer uncertainty and fear, so you can act with confidence. And third; use it to control your mind by silencing worries and negative thinking.

This rule can be used to improve any part of your life because it is working on your neurological response. By replacing a bad habit with the #5SecondRule, you can create lasting behavioral change.

Everyday Courage

While we often think of acts of courage as those bold and brave acts that shape and define history; courage is also found in everyday acts of living. Those moments of fear or uncertainty challenges us to be courageous in our own ways. Courage can be found in each and every one of us. It serves as a push when we need it most; helping us to overcome hesitation and take action in our lives.

Everyday courage can take many different forms. Rosa Parks, for example, exhibited extraordinary everyday courage when she refused to give up her seat on a bus in Alabama in 1955. When Rosa Parks later recounted her story, she said that she had not planned it or paused to reflect on the consequences. She acted as she did in that moment because enough was enough. She was sick of being discriminated against as a black American; and so without hesitation, she stood up for herself. Being courageous does not always mean changing the world. It can also mean changing yourself.

What Are You Waiting For?

We have all played the waiting game; waiting for the right time to start a business or feel confident. Whatever the reason for waiting; it is holding you back. Every moment you wait, you’re not just delaying your dreams, you’re actively working against them. The truth is, there is no “right” time. None of us know how long or short our lives will be. All we have is the present and what we choose to make of it.

We often wait for others to give us the push we need to pursue a dream. We want reassurance that we have a good idea or that we are capable. Instead of looking for external validation; push yourself from within. Find the courage to put yourself out there; no matter how scary or nerve-racking it is. The right moment doesn’t exist.

Take E.L. James, author of the wildly popular book, Fifty Shades of Gray. Without an agent or a book deal, James, a working mother, began writing Twilight inspired erotica in her free time. Eventually, she gained the confidence to write a book, which she self-published. That book sold a million copies in just four days.

When we consider taking an action, we want a guarantee that it will pay off. But most of the time, there is no guarantee. You must believe that the outcome does not matter. What matters is that by putting yourself out in the world, you are waking up to your power within.

Actor Mark Ruffalo auditioned 600 times before he landed his first role. Rovio, the creator of Angry Birds, launched 51 games before finding success. Picasso created over 50,000 pieces of art during his lifetime, yet only 100 were masterpieces.

Opening yourself up to the world allows you to embrace opportunities and possibilities you would never be exposed to otherwise. With the #5SecondRule you can stop playing the waiting game and find the courage to act on your dreams.


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