Million Dollar Habits (English)

Million Dollar Habits (English)


Do you want to be a millionaire? If so, you should read this book. It is not impossible. It is not a hopeless dream. Many people have done it before you. They came from poor families, they have little education, they have no special skills and yet they have overcome all these challenges and succeeded.

You can do it too. No matter who you are or where you come from, you can be a millionaire. What you need is to learn the habits of millionaires. Successful people have good habits while unsuccessful people have bad habits. This book will teach you all the habits you need to practice in order to become a millionaire.

You Are What You Do

Think of the most successful people you know. What is it that they have? What makes them a lot more successful than you?

You are where you are in life today because of you. Your present is the result of all the actions, choices and decisions that you have made so far. These same decisions will also shape your future.

So if you want to become very successful, that is up to you. There is no limit to what you can be except that limit which you impose on yourself. You can take control of your success. It all depends on the thoughts, the words and actions that you have starting from now on.

95% of what you do every day is result of habit. Successful people practice and repeat success habits. That is what makes them different. You can start with these habits too. Remember that bad habit can be unlearned and good habits can be learned.

George Washington is the first president of the USA. When he was still a teenager, he saw a book entitled “The Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior”. He wrote down all the 110 rules in his little notebook. Every day, he read them and tried to practice them one by one.

Because of that book, he developed good habits. He applied those rules everyday since he was a teenager and so when he started a career in politics, the good behavior became automatic for him. Practice and repeat. By doing so, you will also have good habits.

Where Your Habits Come From

There are 20 billion neurons in your brain. Each of them is connected to 20,000 others. You only use a small fraction of them every day. Imagine how much potential you have right at this very moment.

Successful people chose to do more and be more. You can do it too. Do not let yourself be lazy, mediocre and bitter in life. You can always change.

What are the thoughts that fill your mind? What do you often think about? Know that they shape your destiny. You attract the things that you always think about.

If you always think about money and success, you will attract the good opportunities that will lead you to it. But if you always worry about accidents or sickness, it will manifest in your life.

So choose to have positive thoughts. Take control. Get rid of all your negative thoughts once and for all. With practice and repetition, your mind will get used to thinking only positive thoughts. You will become happier and more successful.

The author, Brian Tracy, shared his success story. His family is poor. His father did not have a stable job. Brian started working when he was 10 years old. He did different kinds of jobs for the neighbors. Hemowed lawns, raked dry leaves and delivered newspapers. Because of these, he was able to buy his own food and clothes.

When he was a teenager, he was accepted as a dishwasher in a small hotel. He considered himself lucky while scrubbing pots and pans. Brian decided to drop out of high school and just earn money. He worked in lumber factories and construction sites. He also worked in ranches and farms.

At 20 years old, he became a salesman. Brian knocked on houses and went from one office to another selling different kinds of products. He was always one sale away from being a homeless man.

One night, as he was resting in his boarding house, he thought, “Why is it that there are salespeople who make plenty of sales while there are those who cannot sell? Why is it that there are very successful people and there are those who are not?”

The next morning, Brian started a habit that changed in life. It is learning from successful people and applying what he has learned. He took up his courage and asked the number one sales agent in his company “What is the technique you use to always make people buy?”

The agent shared it and Brian tried it on his own customers. Just like that, he began to sell lots of products. He also began to read books about selling. He listened to audio lectures and attended sales seminars. Whatever he learned, he made it a point to apply at once.

Because of this new habit, Brian’s sales went up. He even got promoted. He became a sales manager. Brian shared everything that he learned to his team members and they improved too.


The Master Program of Success

This is quite simple. There is only one idea that dominates the mind of successful people. It is what they want and how to get it. Every minute of every day, successful people think about what they want and how to get it. Because of this, they make the right decisions which take them to their goal.

Unsuccessful people, meanwhile, think of the opposite. They always think about why they do not get what they want. In short, their minds are full of blaming and complaining.

Who would you rather be? It is your choice. Here is an example of how powerful your thoughts can be. For example, you make it your goal to earn $50,000 every year. You think about this amount all the time and you make yourself productive. Whatever happens to the economy and whatever happens in your office, you will earn that $50,000.

Now, what if you make it your goal to earn $100,000? You set your mind to it and you commit yourself to achieve it. Even if you quit your job, move to a new place or start your own business, you will earn that $100,000. Imagine how amazing your life can be.

Think of your biggest dream and think about it all the time. Think of how you can get it. That is your master program to success.

The most important habit you need to learn to succeed is self-discipline. It is the ability to make yourself do what you need to do even if you do not feel like doing it. Like a muscle, your self-discipline grows stronger, the more you exercise it.  The more self-discipline you have, the more you can change your life.

The Habits of People Who Become Millionaires

Do your best to earn as much as you can in your career. If you keep the right habits, time will come that you will be a millionaire. By maintaining a positive mind, you will see the many opportunities open for you.

In 1990, only 5,000 Americans are millionaires. In 2000, there became more that 5,000,000 American millionaires. There are even multi-millionaires and billionaires. All of them earned that much wealth on their own. They did not inherit the money.

These millionaires came from different backgrounds. Some of them are well-educated. Yet there are those who are poor, who received little education, some of them are even adopted.

Then there are immigrants who came to America with nothing. They have no friends and no special skills. They know very little English. Yet, they improved their lives. They practiced good habits over and over again until finally they succeeded.

One good habit you can start is saving. Experts say that humans are creatures of habit. It means we get used to whatever condition we have. If you save 1% of your salary every month, you will get used to living off the 99%.

For example, if your monthly salary is $2,000, discipline yourself to save $20. Set it aside right away. Live only on the $1,980. You can open up a savings account or have an envelope where you will keep the$20.

Forget about your savings. Do not consider it as part of your budget. Do not spend it no matter what.

After a few months, you are probably adjusted to the $1,980 budget. You can challenge yourself more and save $40 monthly. Keep on practicing until you can save $200 monthly.

In two years, you will already have more than $2,400 savings on your bank account. You will become financially independent.


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