Mein Kampf (English)

Mein Kampf (English)


Who is Adolf Hitler? You may have read about Hitler in books or on the Internet. We all know the story about the Holocaust, the concentration camps, and the gas chambers. In Mein Kampf, you will learn about who Hitler was from his perspective.You will learn about his childhood, about his dreams and passions.You will learn about his thoughts and the ideas which led him to be one of the most powerful men in history. How was Hitler able to mobilize thousands of soldiers according to his beliefs?

Some people may say that he was a mad man.Others may say that he was a genius or that he was charismatic.In this book, you will know how Hitler views himself. You will know about the identity of the man who changed the lives of millions of people all over the world.


In the House of My Parents

I was born in the town of Branau, which is along the Germany and Austria border. I consider it fate. For it is the duty of my generation to reunite these two German states at all costs.Austria must return to Germany because one blood needs only one Reich.Germany must embrace all its sons in one single state.My parents are Bavarian by blood, but technically, they are Austrian.My father is a devoted civil servant.He is a customs official.My mother is a housewife. I have little memory of Branau because my father was soon reassigned to Passau.That is already inside the German proper.

My father was the son of a poor farmer.That’s why he learned at a young age how to survive on his own.Father was hard working.He would not rest even when he was old.He ran away from home when he was 13 years old.Father went to Vienna, where he learned to earn his own money. He made his way to the city. At 17 years old, he took the civil service examination and passed.Father reached his dream. He served the government throughout the years. He made a vow to himself when he was a poor boy. Father swore that he would never return to his hometown until he had proved himself. And he did.

When Father retired at age 56, he couldn’t sit at home idle. He bought a farm and took care of it himself. It was on that farm where I spent my childhood. I was brash as a boy.I always wanted to play and run around outside. My mother hoped that I would stay at home more.My public speaking skills were developed early on. I often won arguments with my classmates.Father had a library.I became fond of the books on the Franco German War in 1870-1871.They were my favorite. I indulged myself in the detailed illustrations. Since then, I’ve had a fascination with anything related to the war, military of soldiers.My father wanted me to be a civil servant like him.We argued about which high school I should attend.He was firm and determined about his decision.He wanted me to pursue the same path as he did.The more he pushed me into being a civil servant, the more I rejected it.

I told him one day that I wanted to be an artist.I wanted to be a painter. I liked to draw, and I wanted to improve on my skills.That was the career path I wanted to take.But Father got angry. He told me that for as long he lived, I would never be an artist.My Father was stubborn.And so am I. He enrolled me in Realschule.I did well on the subjects which interested me.I sabotaged the other subjects, which I considered unimportant. My report cards would have “excellent” on some parts and “inadequate” on others.But I can say that history and geography were my favorite subjects. I led the class when it came to those two.

But something transformed me from being a carefree boy to a being mindful young man.My father died when I was 13.Two years after, my mother followed. I had dreams of becoming an artist and going to the Academy, but my fate had changed.I was orphaned, and naturally, I had to make my living. I went to Vienna as my father did 50 years ago.I also wanted to prove that I could become something.I am sure that I was not to become a civil servant.


Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna

I took the entrance examination for the Academy’s school of painting. I thought that my paintings were excellent, but I was terribly rejected.It was like a lightning flash to me.Hunger was my constant companion. I worked as a laborer and a small painter.My earnings only covered my next meal. In my free time, I read books.If I wanted to buy a book, I had to endure my hunger.Nevertheless, books were my passion. I learned as much as I could.

My life in the city opened my eyes to two things, Jews and Marxists. I do not understand why they should exist among the German people.The more I see them, the more convinced I am that they are menaces.The Jews call themselves “chosen people.” But they are not clean on the outside as well as on the inside. I recognize a Jew when I see one.They flock to the streets of Vienna.They wear unclean clothes.They have a distinct smell.These caftan-wearers made me sick to my stomach.

I learned about the Jewish culture. I became familiar with their literature, art, and theatre.I came to conclude that this was pestilence.The German people were being infected with it.This was worse than the Black Plague of the Middle Ages.The Jews are spreading filth in humanity.Their literature is trash.Their art reflects low intellect. Their theatre shows stupidity. And yet, these “chosen people” are growing in number.I worked as a building worker. I was involved in arguments with the trade unions.

These union leaders are claiming to be champions of the employees, but they were only concerned with making themselves rich. I soon realized that these union leaders, these Social Democrats, were all Jews.I read any Social Democrat pamphlet I could find. The authors and publishers had surnames like Ellenbogen, David, Adler, Austerlitz, and others.They spread the teachings of Marxism. I came to realize that these Marxists and these street agitators were all Jews.

I was repulsed. I was disgusted. How dare these “chosen people” pollute the city with the ideas of Karl Marx? How dare the Jews encourage others to refuse work and fight the government? I believe in the privilege of strength and power. I believe in the value of personality. I believe that some people are destined to lead, and some are destined to follow.This brings order to the world.Marxism wants to destroy this order. It is destructive. It leads to chaos. Marxism wants to dispose of the privileged and give power to the masses. It blurs the importance of culture, race, and nationality.

Marxism is the way by which the Jews aim to dominate the world. These “chosen people” want to be superior to all of humanity.Hence, I am defending myself and my people from the Jews. In this sense, I conclude that I am acting in the will of God.



In 1912, I moved from Vienna to Munich.The time before the war was the happiest time of my life. Munich is very different. The large city was filled with German art. I cannot help but bask in the beauty of this place.Munich was better than any place I knew.I felt love and connection with it.The dialect was closer to my own.I also came to interact with Bavarians like myself. It reminded me of my parents and my childhood. In Munich, there was a marriage between power and art.


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