Laws of Success (English)

Laws of Success (English)


Don`t you want to be a millionaire?
Previously, the word millionaire was rarely used to describe successful people; but nowadays, there are more millionaires than you can count. You are no different than them. You can be a millionaire, but only if you know these laws of success.

This book is one of the most practical, proven, and tested courses for success when it comes to making millionaires. These lessons are used by hundreds of millionaires around the world. A journey to self-discovery, you will learn how to understand your passion in life and set a definite goal. You will also learn the importance of focus and making use of the law of attraction to ease your way through success.

Starting with an actionable plan, you will then move on to lessons that will help you be more confident and teach you how to act as a leader.  If you don't make the first move towards success, no one will ever invite you in. As success comes from having great ideas; you will also learn the importance of having a vivid imagination and being creative.

You can trust the power of this course; this book has managed to make about 3,000 millionaires within six months. Some of them didn't even have a business, but they started something new. If you don't have a business, start one right now. If you don't have a goal, you will learn how to become one of the most successful people in the world simply by reading this book.

If they can do it, so can you.


Introduction to the Master Mind

The Master Mind is a mind that is all about collective work. Two people can work together to achieve a specific goal.

Like any other organism in this world, the mind is made out of energy. Two minds may have a different energy. This energy can cause two minds to fall in love with each other at first sight; it can also cause two people to hate each other.

When two minds are attracted and function within the same energy, they construct a collective mind. This mind is more powerful and can do a lot more than an individual mind. Imagine if four or five people gather around the same mental energy. They agree on the same goal and follow the same principles. If this group of people combined their resources and worked together, they would become unstoppable.

For examples of a mastermind, let's talk about these three powerful men: Ford, Edison, and Firestone.
Ford was a powerful man. If he had wanted to gather one billion dollars, he could have done so quickly. All he had to do was make some phone calls; then he would have his billion-dollars ready at his disposal. When he started his automobile business, Ford received 225 million dollars as payment for cars that had not yet been delivered to their owners. It is so rare that you find a product that sells in this grandeur before even hitting the market. It was all due to the power of trust that the customers had put in him.

The second famous man on our list is Thomas Edison. He was known to be very religious. He was not the type that follows the bible. He was more focused on the bible of nature. He always felt at one with his surroundings.

This connection with nature caused Edison to invent the first voice recording phonograph. He also brought lightning from the stormy sky to earth so that man could harness it for all kinds of purposes. His inventions and contributions to the world are countless.

The third on our list is Harvey Firestone. He was the brain behind Firestone Tire Industry. Just like Ford and Edison, he began his success story without any money or any education. All that Firestone had was determination and a mind that was made for success.

What most people ignore is that a strong friendship connects these three well-known figures. Each year they gathered in the wilderness to go hunting. They used this time to relax and recharge their energy. They had a strong connection that helped them to be as great as they were. This connection is what we referred to in this chapter as the Master Mind.

Some people may doubt this claim, but the similarities between the three men prove that they were feeding off each other's energy. All three of them: started from the bottom, were not educated for success, and had no support other than their own self.  The fact that they became some of the most successful names in history proves that their relationship has made for a potent tool, which is a Master Mind.


A Definite Chief Aim

A person must have a goal for two reasons. First, when you set a definite goal, you are programming yourself to act according to that goal. It is psychologically proven that when we focus our thoughts on something specific, we perform automatically according to that goal.

The second benefit of having one definite goal in life is forming a working plan that will give you riches. We all want to be successful and wealthy. But it can only happen when we focus our power and energy on one path.

Since power is an organized effort, having a definite goal will attract people that share the same mindset as you do. When you combine your energies, you can create a powerful Master Mind that will guarantee your extraordinary success.

You can learn from the tale of the man who had seven sons. The sons were always fighting with each other. They never worked together or agreed on anything.

To teach his sons a lesson, the old man gathered them in one room. He brought seven sticks and combined them together to form one strong bundle. Then, the old man asked his sons to break the bundle.

Each son tried, but not one of them could succeed in breaking the bundle of sticks. The old man smiled. He then cut the rope loose, and the sticks separated. He gave each son a stick, and he asked them to break it. This time, all of them managed to break each stick.

The old man explained to his sons that the lesson from these seven sticks is precious. If they are bound together, the sticks are strong, and they cannot be broken. But once they are separated, they are weak, and they broke very quickly.

The old man taught the sons that if they work together, no one can hurt them or stand in their way for success. But if they keep arguing and living separate lives, they will always be weak, and people will always take advantage of them.

An organized effort is a very powerful tool for success. Never underestimate the people around you. You need to have a goal, focus on it, and find people that will stand by your side to achieve it.


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