Jonathan Livingston Seagull (English)

Jonathan Livingston Seagull (English)


Does heaven exist? Is it possible to go from one place to another in the blink of an eye? Is there such a thing as perfection or a world without limits?Jonathan Livingston is a seagull who loves to fly.His story has inspired many people.This bestseller will teach you many things about love, perfection and hardships. Most of all, this book will teach you how to fly.


Part One

Jonathan Livingston was not an ordinary seagull.While the rest of the flock was busy looking for food, Jonathan was busy learning how to fly. The other seagulls just flew to look for food every day.But Jonathan wanted to reach higher. He wanted to know how far he could get.He always went to practice far from the shore.Because of that, Jonathan was always alone. He was alone with his thoughts and his dreams to fly.One day, his mother asked him, “Why is it so hard to be like the rest of the flock, Jon? Why don't you eat? You’re feathers and bone!”Jonathan answered, “I don't mind being feathers and bone, mom.I just want to know what I can do in the air and what I can't, that's all.”His father told him, “Winter isn't far away.Boats will be few and the surface fish will be swimming deep.Don't you forget that the reason you fly is to eat.”

Jonathan obeyed his parents.For a few days, he did what all the other seagulls did. Jonathan searched the pier and fishing boats for scraps.He screeched and fought for food like everybody else.But Jonathan realized that this was not really what he wanted.He felt like he was wasting his time.Jonathan flew far off to the sea.He was not fat like the other seagulls.But he was happy and excited.He learned about his speed.Jonathan flew 1000 feet in the air and took a deep dive.He was plunging at 70 miles per hour.Jonathan Livingston could have been the fastest seagull alive.But then at some point, he would lose control over his wings.He tried and tried again.He flew to a thousand feet and took a dive.But, just a small change in the angle of his wings and the wind would send him crashing down to the sea.

Jonathan hit the surface hard.When he woke up, he was floating under the big bright moon.He was very tired. His wings were very heavy. He heard a voice inside him saying, “There's no way around it. I am a seagull.If I were meant to fly at speed, I'd have a falcon's short wings.My father was right.I must forget this foolishness.”Jonathan flew back to the shore. Everywhere, all he could see was darkness.“Get down!” The voice inside him spoke again.“Seagulls never fly in the dark! If you were meant to fly in the dark, you'd have the eyes of an owl! You’d have a falcon's short wings! ”At that moment, Jonathan Livingston Seagull had a eureka moment.The pain and sadness that he felt went away.“Short wings! The short wings of a falcon!” he thought to himself.“I can fold half of my wings and fly with the tips of my feathers.That way, I can fly faster!”

Jonathan flapped his wings once again.He didn’t stop until he was 2000 feet in the air. He knew it was dangerous, but he was determined.Jonathan kept his forewings close to his body and let the tips of his wings feel the air.The brave seagull took the vertical dive.He was falling fast at 70 miles to 90 miles and then 120 miles per hour.Jonathan even went to 140. When he was above the sea, he moved his wings carefully and everything was under control.As Jonathan flew smoothly over the water, he thought “140! If I fly up to 5000 feet, how much faster can I dive?” He had been about to quit, but now Jonathan knows that he can never accept the ordinary. He was meant for something else.


Jonathan kept on practicing.He felt so alive.For the first time in his life, he felt in control.From 5000 feet above, his home looked like a tiny speck. Jonathan folded his wings once again and took the plunge.The most amazing thing happened. His speed reached 240 miles per hour.Not one seagull from his flock had flown that fast.If he had spread his wings, it would have been the end for Jonathan.But, he had learned to move his wingtips ever so slightly.Jonathan was able to do beautiful acrobatics up in the air.He did the loop, the slow roll, the pinwheel and all the other moves he named.Speed was power, speed was joy, and speed was pure beauty.Jonathan knew that his flock would be proud of him.He kept on flying past sunset. When he went home, the stars were shining in the clear night sky. Jonathan felt tired, but happy.

The flock was still the same, but Jonathan had changed.He now knew that there was more to life than this.There was more to life than flying over fishing boats and looking for scraps.Jonathan wanted to shout, “There’s a reason to life! We can lift ourselves out of ignorance.We can make ourselves full of excellence, intelligence and skill.We can be free! We can learn to fly!”Finally, his webbed feet touched the shore.Jonathan saw that there was a Council Gathering of the seagulls.The Elders and the rest of the flock were silently waiting.“Jonathan Livingston Seagull! Stand to Center!” one of the Elders announced. When a seagull was called to Stand to Center, it could only mean great honor or great shame.Maybe the Elders had seen the breakthrough he had made.Maybe they saw him fit to be a leader.

But Jonathan wanted no high recognitions.He just wanted to share what he had learned.He wanted the flock to see what he had seen. Jonathan slowly stepped forward.“Jonathan Livingston Seagull,” the Elder declared, “Stand to Center for Shame!” The Elder’s voice rang in his ears.He could not believe it.“Stand to Center for Shame? Impossible! What about the breakthrough? It can’t be!” Jonathan thought to himself.But then the Elder continued, “For his reckless irresponsibility…for violating the dignity and tradition to the Gull Family…”Stand to Center for Shame meant that he would be banished from the flock.He would be cast out. Jonathan would live alone in exile to the Far Cliffs where no seagull could see him.

“…one day, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, you shall learn that irresponsibility does not pay.Life is unknowable, except that we are put into this world to eat and to stay alive as long as we can.”“Irresponsibility? My brothers,” Jonathan pleaded, “for a thousand years we have scrabbled after fish heads, but now we have a reason to live, to learn, to discover, to be free! Give me one chance.Let me show you what I've found…”But Jonathan’s words fell into deaf ears.The Elders turned their backs and broke up the gathering.All the other seagulls left.Jonathan looked up to the sky and flew away.He reached beyond the Far Cliffs.Jonathan made good use of his exile.He learned so much more. Jonathan learned to sleep in the air.He learned to fly at night.More importantly, Jonathan learned that if he high-speed dived  into the ocean, he could catch fish ten feet below the surface.There was no need for fishing boats.

Jonathan never regretted what he did.He realized that boredom, fear and anger had made his life short.He put away all these negative feelings and saw a long happy life ahead of him.The night was peaceful as always when suddenly, the sky opened.Two shining seagulls flew down from the clouds. Jonathan couldn’t help but notice the graceful flap of their wings. Each move of the feather was calculated.The shining seagulls flew in the way that Jonathan flew, but so much better.“Who are you?” he asked. “We’re from your flock, Jonathan.We’re your brothers. We’ve come to take you higher, to take you home,” the shining seagulls replied in a calm voice.“I have no home anymore.I’m an Outcast. Is there a peak higher than the Great Mountain Wind?”

“Jonathan, when one school is finished, it’s time to look for a new one.” With that, Jonathan understood.He looked around the endless sky which had taught him so much.He took a deep breath of the cold breeze. “I’m ready,” Jonathan said.The three of them disappeared into the clouds.


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