High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way (English)

High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way (English)


Do you want to know how CEOs and high level managers maintain their high performance? There is a difference between achievers and high performers.Achievers work hard to reach success.They’ve fought many challenges.They keep on doing more.But there comes a point when achievers lose momentum.Their careers plateau.They feel burned out or lose enthusiasm.The problem is they cannot sustain success.They hold no principles to guide them to higher goals.High performers, meanwhile, can handle it all.They can do what achievers can do and more.

High performers maintain their excellent performance.They do that without compromising their happiness or well-being.How can you be a high performer? How can you handle the demands and perks of long-term success? The secret is to learn the high performance habits.Brendon Burchard has spent many years on coaching high performers.He studied them closely.He did intensive research and interviews.Brendon found out that there are six main habits that define these high performers.That is what he wants to share in this book.You will learn those high performance habits and the best practices to achieve them.It does not matter what your background is. At this moment, you have every right to become extraordinary.


Habit 1
Seek Clarity

To seek clarity means to always know who you are and what your goals are. It may seem that these questions are basic but they do have a great impact on your life.Being clear about who you are means that you know your strengths and weaknesses.If you’re clear on who you are, you also know for sure what is valuable to you.Knowing yourself well brings about good self-esteem.In your journey to become a high performer, you must start with self-awareness.Seek clarity on your identity, your values, your good traits and bad traits.They are your keys to having a positive outlook on life.

The next thing you must do is figure out your goals.They should be clear in your mind.More importantly,your goals must be challenging.Challenging goals bring more energy, enjoyment and satisfaction to your work.How often do you feel disconnected and frustrated at what you do? You need to remind yourself again of who you are and the goals that you want to achieve.What you can do is “Envision the Future Four.”What are the “future four?” They are your visions for your future self, social interactions, service and skills. Let’s first discuss your future self.

The famous saying goes, “Know Thyself.” More than that, high performers can “Imagine Thyself.”If someone asked you, “Where do you see yourself ten years from now?” do you have an immediate answer? High performers can answer that question easily and confidently.They have a clear idea of what they want to become.They have a well thought out idea for their future self and they are working towards it.The next one in the future four is social interactions.High performers have high social intelligence and situational awareness.This means that there is clarity in the way they interact with others.

They have a clear idea of their position and how they want to treat the person they’re dealing with.Think of the last phone call you had. Do you think you’ve chosen the right tone when speaking with that person? Try to remember the last conflict you had with anyone.Did you think about your values? In your conversations, do you make an effort to become a better listener?There is clear intention in everything that high performers do.They want to give positive emotions.They want to be a good example.Before communicating with others, they think of the tone that they should use.They also try to figure out how they can help the other person.

Next in line are future skills.High performers have clear vision on the skill that they want to develop.They take their hobbies seriously.If they want to learn a skill, they train themselves to mastery. High performers are not “scattershot learners.” They don’t pick up a skill and move on to the next.They aim for excellence.High performers plan around the skill set they want to master.They do not settle as generalists.They want to be specialists.For example, if a high performer is interested in music, he does not try to learn every instrument.He focuses on a single one. He would look for an expert teacher and practice hard.

Last on the future four is service.Sometimes, the reason why you feel uninspired or unmotivated at work is because you lost the sense of service.When you get caught up with your daily tasks, you sometimes forget who you are doing all of it for.For example, if you’re a manager, you work far from the customers.What you must do is see the people you serve once in a while.You must listen to them and know how you can provide for them better.High performers are concerned about making a difference for others and the future. That is why they constantly give their best in the present.


Habit 2
Generate Energy

Energy for high performers is not only limited to the physical.They maintain an active body.But they also know the importance of positive emotions and mental alertness.High performers generate energy in a holistic way.They want to stay physically, mentally and emotionally fit to take on their many responsibilities.If you have low energy, it can affect your whole lifestyle. It makes you feel down.It makes you weak against challenges.You feel like life is just passing you by.If you have low energy, people would not buy from you.They would not believe you, support you or follow you in anyway.

Brendon Burchard found out in his research that senior executives and CEOs possess the highest energy.They are the most energized in any company.The energy level of senior executives and CEOs can be compared to the energy level of pro athletes.High energy brings about more happiness and success.Like CEOs and quarterbacks, you can achieve that in your life too.Imagine a power plant.It doesn’t have energy as it is. What a power plant does is transform energy.Like a power plant, you can choose to generate more.Do not wait for something to bring you joy, excitement, motivation or love.All those positive emotions can start from you.It is possible to generate high energy when you choose too.

You can generate positive emotions anytime you need it.In order to do so, you can follow these steps.The first one is “Release Tension, Set Intention.” Brendon Burchard has coached many high performers.He worked closely with them.He observed that the cause of low energy among CEOs and other high performers was poor transition.What is transition? It is when you change from one task to another.The moment you get up from bed is a transition.You shift from sleep mode to work mode.You take a bath and prepare yourself. Maybe, you get your kids ready for school.You take the public transport and arrive at your office.Those are more transitions.
While working at your desk, you may be called in to a meeting.That is another transition.

When you get home and spend time with your family, you shift again from your role as an employee to your role as a dad or mom.Think of the transitions you go through within a day.Now, imagine that in one of your meetings, you had a conflict with your boss or colleague.After that, you have to do more paperwork at your desk.You may pass on the negative energy to your next tasks.If you don’t take a break, you will feel worse as you go through your day.You lose your presence of mind.When you get home to your family, it may be that you will have no energy left to appreciate them.

To avoid this from happening, you need to release tension.Before you move on to your next task, try to take a little rest.You can relax and close your eyes for a couple of minutes.Just focus on taking deep breaths.Once you have released the tension, you can start setting intention.Think of the task you’re doing next.What do you want to achieve? How can you do it with positivity? The next step to generate energy is “Bring the Joy.”Positive emotions such as joy can bring so much difference in your life.Research shows that joy is an indicator of high performance.

People who maintain positive emotions are healthier.They also have better relationships and more income.Those who “Bring the Joy” perform better at the things they do.They are more compassionate and helpful to other people.Neuroscientists discovered that joy and the other positive emotions make new cells develop faster.On the other hand, negative emotions cause cells to decay.

This is not to say that high performers do not experience negative emotions.There are times when they get sad and feel exhausted.But the difference is that high performers can bounce back faster. They can cope easily with the negative energy. They can direct their thoughts and actions back to the positive state.


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