Feeling Good : The New Mood Therapy (English)

Feeling Good : The New Mood Therapy (English)


Have you ever felt you're not good enough? Have you ever felt you have no desire to move or do anything? The list of negative feelings that put you down never ends.When these negative feelings stay for a long time, they distort your mental state. You may think that when you procrastinate, you are acting like a normal human being. If you look closely, you may find that you are depressed.

In this book, you will learn how to understand yourself better. You will learn how to identify your own depression and how to know how worse your depression is.You will also learn a new method for treating depression called Cognitive Therapy. Depending on the rules of this approach, you can start helping yourself feel better.You don't need excessive therapy sessions because Cognitive Therapy is all about changing your own thoughts.

When you start thinking positive thoughts, your mental health will slowly improve. If you want to understand your depression, if you want to take responsibility for your own treatment, then this book is a perfect choice. It has the knowledge and the application techniques you need.  You can even find tests that can monitor your own progress.With this book, you would not need medication or exhausting therapy sessions. It's time you start to take care of yourself, on your own, just by changing the way you think.


A Breakthrough in the Treatment of Mood Disorders

Depression is a well-known mental disease that most people suffer from. Depression is dangerous because it could lead to suicide.The traditional way of treating depression is through psychotherapy and drug therapy. Recently, psychologists found a more effective way of treating this disease. They call it “Cognitive Therapy”.This treatment approach first appeared in 1950. Dr. Albert Ellis and Dr. Aaron T. Beck are the ones who started this revolution. During later years, the research on this method grew bigger, and Cognitive Therapy became a popular adopted method.

Cognitive Therapy can help change your mood fast. This type of treatment is very effective. It can also help you understand yourself better and control your mood changes better.To test how effective Cognitive Therapy is, a group of psychologists in Pennsylvania made a study. They tried to compare and contrast the results of Cognitive Therapy and drug therapy.They chose more than forty depressed patients.The patients were suffering from severe cases of depression, and they believed that their lives were over. Some of them were even suicidal.The patients were divided into two groups.The first group received Cognitive Therapy and the second group received drug therapy.

For twelve weeks, the patients were tested for improvement. They were tested by different doctors to ensure the objectivity of the results.The outcome of this experiment was shocking. The results proved that Cognitive Therapy was as effective as using antidepressants. In some cases, Cognitive Therapy was even more effective. It was also quicker to show positive results than drugs.If someone is suffering from clinical depression for years, and he tried drug therapy, he may experience a lot of side effects. With Cognitive Therapy, the improvement is evident since the treatment focuses on the mind of the patient.Cognitive Therapy is a treatment of your thoughts, it is more effective, and it causes no damage to your physical health.


How to Diagnose your Moods: the First Step in the Cure

If you are wondering whether you are suffering from depression, there is a simple test that you can do by yourself. In this chapter, you're going to discover a test called BDC.It stands for Burns Depression Checklist. It is a questionnaire where you answer by ticking a few boxes. This questionnaire is simple, but it is very accurate in diagnosing your case.According to the score you get, you can know whether you are happy, normal, or depressed.You can even know the stage of your depression, whether you are mildly depressed, moderately depressed, or extremely depressed.

The BDC can also be used to evaluate your progress. You may think that it is dangerous for a person to try to cure his own depression. When treating mental disease, deciding that you need help and that you want to cure your illness is the first step to treatment.For example, if you take the BDC test and you score from 0 to 5, this means that you are happy and you don't need clinical help. If your score is from 6 to 10, it means that you may be feeling down, but you are not depressed.

Once you hit the 11 to 25 mark, you are depressed. In this stage, your depression may be mild, but if it lasts for a long time, it may become dangerous. At first, you can treat yourself using self-help books. If you don't see progress, then you need to ask for professional help.If your score is from 25 to 50, then you are moderately depressed.The word moderate may mean a little bit of depression, but it may be dangerous.This type of depression may showcase some extreme cases of violence. If you are mildly depressed for over two weeks, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

When your score is higher than 50, you are in danger. It means that you are extremely depressed and that you need to seek help immediately. But don't be scared. Extreme cases of depression are usually easy and quick to heal.


Understanding your Moods: You Feel the Way You Think

Most people believe that depression is related to the way we feel, but this illness is something different. Your brain is the main cause of your depression. It's the way you think, that affects the way you feel.When you always think negative thoughts, you find yourself attacked with sudden depression episodes. You may believe that it is part of life, or that it is your mood that day. If you try to understand yourself better, you will find that your thoughts are responsible for all your misery.

Now we know that depression is caused by negative thinking. There are ten cognitive disorders or thinking disorders explained in this chapter. Find which one of these is the real cause of your depression, because if you do, then you can treat the illness easily.First is the all or nothing thinking. It refers to a person who evaluates his or her personality and achievements by extreme measures.For example, perfectionists who believe that, if they get a B on a test, they are already a failure.

The second cognitive disorder is mental filter. Sometimes when a person is depressed, he picks one negative thing to focus on and ignores the rest. It is like wearing a unique type of glasses that only show negative aspects of life.Some go further by turning positive thoughts into negative ones. It is the third cognitive disorder called disqualifying the positive. An example of this is a depressed woman who was one of Dr. David Burns' patients. She was confined at the hospital because of her condition.

Anna was convinced that she was the worst human being on earth. Because she believed that she was bad, she thought that everyone hated her and that she would always be alone. She thought that in this life, no one would ever care for her.Dr. Burns tried to convince Anna that she was liked by the other patients and the staff in the hospital. She refused to believe him. Her excuse was that these people who liked her didn’t know her in the real world. In the outside world, she was a horrible person, and she knew that if they saw her, they would hate her.

Dr. Burns tried to explain again. He told Anna that outside the hospital, there were also people who like her. She had family and friends who cared about her. They were waiting for her to come home. Anna still refused to believe Dr. Burns. She told him that anyone who loves her didn't really know the person she is. Deep down, Anna was convinced that she was worthless.Anna disqualified the possibility of having a positive relationship with anyone. Her depression was keeping her from seeing the truth.You may not be suffering from extreme cases such as Anna, but you should be aware of the type of cognitive disorder that is the root cause of your depression.


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