Faster Than Lightning: My Autobiography (English)

Faster Than Lightning: My Autobiography (English)


We hear his name, see his face on the screen, and know him very well. He is yet the fastest man ever alive, the Jamaican sprinter and Olympic champion–Usain Bolt.Do you ever wonder how he became the fastest man on earth? What were the significant life experiences that led him to win the world championships and the Olympics? What can we learn from his life that we can also apply to ours to become successful and be champions?

Faster Than Lightning is the autobiography of the all-time running champion Usain Bolt that will not only touch your heart but inspire you to live life faster and to the fullest.


I Was Put on This Earth to Run

Near-death accidents often make people realize important things in life.On April 2009, Usain Bolt was driving a BMW M3 Coupe with his two friends along Highway 2000 in Jamaica. Bolt, known as the fastest man alive, took a few risks to speed up in order to catch the Champions League kick-off game on TV.

It was raining hard when suddenly, he accidentally turned the traction control off, and the tires started to lose their grip on the road. The car accelerated and lost power until the street ran out. The car then jumped in the open air, flipped like a washing machine, and smashed in a ditch.Fortunately, Bolt and his friends did not suffer any severe bruises or wounds from the accident. Bolt felt shocked at what happened and was simply grateful that he was alive. A week after the incident, Bolt saw on the news the image of his horribly destroyed car. By then, he realized that he was not saved by luck, but by an all-powerful being –God.

Bolt knew that God had a purpose for him in life. He knew that God gave him a gift that he should take care of and that He put him on this earth to run and be the fastest man who ever lived.


Walk Like a Champion

To be a champion, it is more than just the medals, talent, and fame. To be a real champion means to have a mark of hard work, discipline and above all, respect to yourself and others.Growing up, Bolt was trained by his father to observe good manners at all times. When he was attending school at age five or six, he was ordered by his father to say good morning to every single person he would meet. He did not like it at all, but still, he obeyed.

There were people who smiled back. There was this one old lady who would always give him a cold-angry stare. It bothered Bolt a lot. One time, he decided to skip the greeting and ran away when he passed the old lady. That day when he came home, Bolt couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the same old lady in their home talking with his father. His father grabbed him by the shirt and expressed how disappointed he was by what happened.He remembered being so mad at that old lady that day. Since then, he learned the value of good manners and respecting others no matter what.


My Own Worst Enemy

Enemies can come in different forms—people, environment, feelings, even habits, and attitudes. Whenever such enemy attacks inwardly, the remedy to it should also be done inside and personally.Bolt was always in first place in running competitions. His teachers noticed how exceptional his talent was, they made it a point to give him proper training. That was so he could improve and get better, more. But Bolt hated training. Instead, he skipped it and went to play arcades.

One time, he was chosen to compete for regional championships. To his surprise, he was beaten by a kid, the same age as him, only because the kid had practiced harder than him.Bolt felt angry but realized his one real problem—laziness. He still didn’t want to go on training. He was clueless about how he could get himself hooked and interested in it. Until one day, Bolt saw videos and footages of famous Olympians.He got really inspired. He studied the training of the Olympians. Bolt tried as many as he could until he reached the right mix of training.

On the day of the regional championship, Bolt was successful for his efforts. He did not only defeat the kid who had once beaten him in the race, but he also defeated his very own enemy that came from within.


Where Mere Mortals Quiver, the Superstar Becomes Excited by the Big Moment

Stress and expectations can do many things to someone when he/she competes. Real talent, heart, and determination excite a true champion towards winning.Soon after his consecutive wins, Bolt was selected to compete during the World Juniors Competition. At first, he was very excited, but then he felt the pressure of representing his own country. Bolt was terrified that he might disappoint the crowd. He wanted to back out.One day, Bolt sat on their home’s veranda to get his thoughts down. His mother and grandmother came to him.

They advised him that he only needed to try the race and not to fear whatever happens. His mother emphasized that whatever happened, they would always be proud of him. Bolt started crying because the pressure was too much. But his mother’s words gave him comfort and new motivation.On the day of the race, Bolt was shaking upon hearing the crazy crowd cheering for him. When the race started, he was a bit late to start but not for so long. Something happened. As Bolt hit his ultimate speed, he felt as if something/someone was guiding him and pushing him hard. He was running crazy fast, and he became the world junior champ.

Bolt developed the attitude of a real champion—excited by both the pressures and stresses of the ‘big moment’ races.


The Heart of a Champion, a Mind of Granite

A true champion always stands out among the crowd because of his heart and mind. A mind that is ever determined to rise above winnings and losses.It was the World Championships in Helsinki, and it was cold and raining. Bolt was up for the race, and at the beginning of it, he was in the lead. Then something happened –his hamstring cramped. It was too painful, he had to slow down. Bolt jogged until the end of the race and he finished last. It was not like him to give a weak performance. He did not quit.

After the race, Bolt went to his coach. He was surprised to see his coach’s reactions. The coach was happy and smiling. He said that he was so proud of what Bolt had shown in the game. His determination not to quit and to finish the race had shown the true heart of a champion. The coach knew then that Bolt had a world-class potential with a lot of great things ahead of him. But still to Bolt, finishing last was never a good thing.


Discovering the Moment of No Return

There are moments in life where we face unbearable pain and agony. To some, this is just a moment. But to other people, it is called the moment of no return.After finishing last on the race, Bolt was diagnosed with scoliosis. Bolt experienced a lot of body-related problems in his next tournaments. Losing and not winning first place became a factor of discouragement to him.In one competition, Bolt once again had a hamstring issue which made him withdraw from the race. To his surprise, the crowd booed at him. Bolt felt disappointed. He doubted if he was ever good enough. He looked at his contenders and he thought that he was not measuring up.

At that point, Bolt thought he would no longer continue in his career, he would give in to his body failures. But he got a lot of advice from his coach and his family. His coach taught him to embrace all the pains that he experienced from running and not to give up no matter what. The coach called this the “moment of no return.” He explained that Bolt should push himself and accept pain during training. That was so in the real game, he would not stop even when he felt something was wrong in his body.

Bolt then realized that he needed to master his own body. He realized that despite all the pains and hurt, getting through was the only way to glory.


Pain or Glory

They say no pain, no gain.Glory comes in the midst after all the pain.Bolt faced a sprinter that had gotten on his nerves, Tyson Gay.He was so determined to beat this man whatever it took.Bolt suffered from back and muscle pains regularly, but still he strived to overcome it.In one race in New York, Bolt conditioned himself just to finish first and beat Tyson. He decided not to mind the time and clock.

So, in the race proper, Bolt was hot and excited to win.When the gunshot fired, he had a perfect start enough to move fast.Bolt started running as if his legs were as light as air.He powered towards the finish line and got first place! He was so happy he had beaten Tyson.But to his great surprise, Bolt even set a new record for the 100m run.That was a new world record! Bolt learned that there would always be glory when we endure and overcome pain.


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