F.U. Money: Make As Much Money As You Damn Well Want And Live Your LIfe As YOu Damn Well Please! (English)

F.U. Money: Make As Much Money As You Damn Well Want And Live Your LIfe As YOu Damn Well Please! (English)

Part 1: The F.U. Money Lifestyle.

Why should you read this book?

You should read this book to learn how to achieve enough money to never look at a price tag again; to be able to hand a homeless person $100 any time you want.  F.U. Money is an expression; a metaphor for: financial freedom, zero stress, and a debt-free life.

You might tell yourself that there are plenty of books out there that talk about finance and how to become rich; but the truth is, most of these books are garbage. A huge selection of them talk about wealth and their authors are not even rich.

Another huge group of these books, well, their authors are actually rich; but they were born with a golden spoon in their mouth. They either inherited that money from their family, or were already rich when they were young.  So, what makes this book different? The author of this book started from zero; he had nothing and came to the U.S. without even knowing how to speak English. Now, he has turned himself into a multi-millionaire.

What is F.U. Money?

It means you can: travel the world, start learning new languages, hire people with that money to do the things that you would rather not do in order to be able to work on your hobbies or skills. F.U. Money basically means freedom.

When is enough, enough?

If you treat money as a drug, you’re most likely going to become an addict. Never let your pursuit of money ruin your family life; it’s a trap, you’ll never have enough. To avoid this, you need to make as much money as you want, while at the same time living your life the way you want to.

Care about freedom, not money. Money is important, but only because it gives you freedom. If you find yourself making lots of money, but are stuck in a dead-end job and are not feeling free, you’re walking the wrong path, my friend.

How to live your life as a Hollywood star even if you’re not famous or wealthy?

A friend of the author is a very successful businessman. He owns 8 luxury cars, and he built an entire garage for them. The thing is, he doesn’t have time to drive them. Most of these cars have less than 5,000 kilometers on them. He’s wealthy, but is he free? No.

To be free, you need to be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want; and that requires money. That’s why, while money is not the main goal you should be pursuing, it’s an important step to freedom. That’s how you can live like a Hollywood star, by being free. Stay tuned and more will be explained in the following topic.

To hit a target, you have to see it first!

You have to begin by setting your goals & figuring out what you actually want. Don’t just say, I need to make a million dollars. Stop being vague; specify exactly what you want. Make a list that describes the materialistic things that you want; things that you often think about; things that make you tick. Then list their cost, and then answer a simple question; what does your annual income need to be able to buy those things.

You have two ways to achieve this; the first one is the slow way. It’s done by accumulating a small amount of money over time so that by the time you retire, you have a large amount of money. Say you have a 10-million-dollar net worth by the time you retire; with an annual income of 10% which is 1 million dollars; take out 35% of taxes and you’re left with $650,000 to do whatever the hell you want to do. However, this is assuming you have a net worth of 10 million dollars by the time you retire; and most people don’t even come close to that number. Most will only have a million dollars which would generate $65,000 a year which is not enough for a family to live comfortably.

The other way is the fast way, and this is what the author chose. The trick is to create an automated income that pays for the lifestyle you want to live. In other words, if you quit today, your automated income will completely cover your lifestyle expenses.

For example, let’s say you made a website that sells a product. You sell this product for $200 with a profit of $100. Let’s say your desired lifestyle would cost you 2 million dollars a year; let’s divide that by 365 days, this will result in 5,479$ that you need to make per day. To do that, you’d have to make about 55 sales per day, which is achievable. It doesn’t look impossible; it’s fast and you’re in control of how much money you make and how quickly. The fast way is the way we are going to focus on.


Part 2: The F.U. Money Myths.

1.    Money can’t buy happiness.

Well, the thing is, this is bullshit. If you think money can’t buy happiness; it only means that you have no idea where to shop. Money gives you freedom; money gives you power and control.

The author had a life-changing phone call. He was asleep when his phone rang and his aunt told him that his father had just had a stroke; and that he’s now in the hospital to have surgery. She had to end the call, and then called him back seven hours later telling him that his dad was fine, and asked him if he wanted to fly back to his dad and visit him.  Unfortunately, the author didn’t have enough money to do that; he was barely surviving and he was in debt.

At that moment, he decided that he was no longer going to be controlled by money. He would not let money decide what he can and can’t do. Money may not be the most important thing in life but it sure as hell is important. Look at poor countries that don’t have enough money, what do you see? I’ll tell you; more crimes are being committed, more diseases and more suffering in general.

2.    Rich people are assholes.

This is what the media wants you to believe; to make you feel better about yourself. Well, guess what? Don’t believe everything the media says. Yes, there are rich people who are assholes; but it has nothing to do with their wealth, it’s just their personality. There are poor people who are assholes too.

Bill Gates, for example, is the wealthiest person on earth. Do you know how much Bill Gates gives away to charity? He gives billions of dollars of his net worth! I dare you to find someone more charitable than Gates, other than Warren Buffet who gives a whopping 97 percent of his net worth.

Yet, people still judge them, and justify why these people donate to charity. Saying that they’re rich, they should give their money away. Let me stop you right here. What has the poor given to society? NOTHING, because they can’t afford it.

Money doesn’t change who you are; it’s just a piece of paper that has no control over your personality.  There’s this story about a man approaching a woman in a bar. He asks her, “Would you sleep with me for a dollar?”, the woman got angry and told him, “Definitely NOT.”, he then asked her, “Would you sleep with me for a million dollars?”, to which she replied, “Yes, I would.”. He went on to tell her, “How about 20 dollars?”, she got angry again and told him, “Of course not, what kind of woman do you think I am?”. He replied, “We’ve already settled on what kind of woman you are, we’re just negotiating the price.”.

3.    You can afford to wait.

The problem is we always think we have time. The truth is, we don’t. For  20 years of your life, you’re still a kid living with your parents, you don’t really have many choices at that time. That’s 20 years of life gone. Now you have 50 years of life remaining assuming you’re going to live for 70 years; 1/3 of these 50 years will be wasted on sleeping; another 1/3 is spent on: entertainment, watching TV, commuting, etc.

So, in other words, you’re really only left with 10-15 years; which is not enough if you’re planning on waiting.

4.    You have to be lucky and a cheapskate.

Lotteries. Lotteries are the stupidest thing that has ever been invented. They are basically a magnet for lazy and stupid people; and this is much worse than being broke.
Look at all these people who won the lottery; how many of them are still rich? Almost none. Why? Because they have lots of money, but they’re not actually rich. They never learned how to keep that money; so no matter how much it is, it’s going to be lost sooner or later and they will go broke.

It’s always easier to make more money than to spend less of it. To hell with living within a budget. Spend your money; what are you even saving for?

A friend of the author had some problems with money and struggled every month to pay their bills. They went to a financial workshop and the so-called expert told them that the only way they could survive was by limiting their expenses and spending less money. His friend couldn’t do that. He didn’t like the idea of being cheap for the rest of his life.

He couldn’t decide what he had to do. One day, one of his restaurant customers had a conversation with him, and that customer gave him an audiotape that changed his life. The audiotape was about a marketing expert that had a new strategy that could help attract customers. He listened to that tape more than ten times as he was amazed by that new info. Today, after three years, they own one of the most successful restaurants in their town.


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