Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time (English)

Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time (English)

Quick Summary

Just like waves of the ocean, as you get immersed in tasks and responsibilities; newer ones show up. This is why you need to be picky. Always start with the bigger, more important tasks. The author used a live frog to create an analogy for this. If you have to eat a live frog -do an important task-, you better do it now, and not spend time looking at it. The key to being successful is working on one task at a time. The book consists of 21 strategies that the author believes are the road to success.

A myriad of studies showed that what makes successful people who they are is that they take action immediately. Many people hold countless meetings and make brilliant plans, but don't get the job done. To become productive, you must learn the habit of being productive. Practicing not to procrastinate, to set priorities and to tackle your most important task needs expertise. You must do such things multiple times until it becomes automatic.

Completing an important task triggers endorphin release in your body which, surprisingly, can get you addicted! What’s better than being addicted to completing unfinished tasks? Nothing! Completing tasks, eventually, becomes easier than not completing them.Moreover, the three Ds to success is the decision to get the job done, discipline to do all that it takes to get the job done and determination until the job is done.

Finally, you must visualize yourself as that successful person you dream to be. When you overcome procrastination and get your tasks done quickly; you accelerate on the road to success!

Set the Table

What’s the first step a lion does to hunt lunch? That’s right, choosing the prey. You must be clear about your target; then start working towards it with no deviation. Not only clarity towards your goal but also towards the steps needed to achieve it. There are 7 crucial steps that you can follow to increase your productivity in a short time. The first step; decide on what you want. What's worse that can happen to a lion than chasing the wrong gazelle? The second step; write it down.

Writing your goal on paper gives it energy, makes it clear and makes it devoid it from impreciseness. Third step; set a deadline. What makes a lion so successful in hunting prey? It needs to hunt it NOW! The fourth step; make a list of the needed steps towards achieving your goal. The fifth step; organize the list. This turns it from merely a list into a plan. Organization should be according to priority and sequence.

This has to be done until the task is divided into smaller individual assignments; making it easier for accomplishment. The sixth step; take action immediately, not tomorrow, now in a few hours, NOW! The seventh step; decide to do something towards your goal everyday. Whether it’s learning a few words in a new language or reading a few pages. What matters is once you start; don’t stop. Small progress is still progress.


Plan Every Day in Advance

What’s the easiest way to eat an elephant? Break it down into smaller pieces. This is how it works with goals. Breaking down your goal into smaller tasks is your most efficient way of overcoming procrastination. In addition, you have to start working with a well put plan. Not just any plan; the six P formula will save a lot of confusion throughout the day. It goes like this; proper prior planning prevents poor performance.

Writing down your tasks for the next day levels up your productivity by 25%. Your lists should be sub leveled; monthly weekly and daily. You transfer items from this list to that to create the most productive day you can think of. If you have a project to be done, the first step you should do is to write every single step that needs to be done to meet your goal. As you work through these steps, tick off the ones you accomplished which will make you feel more in control.

Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything

Imagine having important emails to read, and having to go to the supermarket to buy groceries. Without a doubt reading the emails is more important and valuable. This is the 80/20 rule; 80% of your tasks account for 20% of the value of what you do.  You must always begin with the important tasks, the task that is worth all the other tasks put together.

People naturally procrastinate important tasks and make themselves busy with the less important ones. That's why they sometimes give you the illusion of being busy; without actually accomplishing anything of real value. Always start with the important tasks, motivate yourself by visualizing yourself getting it done.

Consider the Consequences

Successful people greatly consider the time factor in their decisions. After all; a company that can maintain its success in 20 years from now is better than a company who makes more revenue in the meantime but will vanish in a matter of 5 years. A crucial task will automatically have long term potential consequences with some short term sacrifices. Are you willing to make the deal? You should always start with the task that has the largest potential positive or negative consequences.

Keep yourself motivated by reminding yourself of the positive impact such a task will have on your life. Don’t let your mind fool you into thinking that you don’t have time; as according to the law of forced efficiency, you always have time to do the most important things. Cramming all you work for the last minute could help you finish it; as proved by studies but most often this leads to huge losses that you might need to redo it. What's better is, organizing your work earlier and allowing time for delays.


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