Corporate Chanakya On Management (English)

Corporate Chanakya On Management (English)


Chanakya was not only a wise master in politics and economics; he also left practical advice when it comes to productivity and management. In this book, you will learn how to be a high-performing employee and how to be a good boss. And you will learn how to encourage motivation and cooperation in the workplace.

By reading this book, you will learn from the best. Radakrishnan Pillai has many years of experience as a management consultant.He has interpreted the wise teachings of Chanakya in our modern times.Pillai knows these tips are effective because he has applied them himself.If you want to get promoted, if you want to achieve your dream job and become more productive, this is the book for you.


The First Step

Most of us don’t have a dream job.Every day, we are waiting for that perfect opportunity to come. Chanakya said that you should not wait for it. Instead, you should be the one actively creating that opportunity.Make the extra effort and take action. You should not wait for destiny or fate because you will never achieve your dream job if you just fantasize about it.

Get the proper training and learn the required skills. Seek the help of the right people. Most of all, believe in yourself. Don’t give up after a failure and keep trying. Prove how much you want that dream job and how worthy you are to have it. As the saying goes, “If the opportunity doesn’t knock on your door, go to the opportunity and knock on its door.” Therefore, here are more tips.

First, know your strengths. Before going out there, have a little introspection. Think about your strengths. What are you good at? What you can do better than anyone else? Highlight this on your resume or business proposal.Second, market yourself. Do you have a company or a person you really want to work for? You can e-mail your resume. Introduce yourself. Explain your intention. You can also set-up an appointment. Make sure you arrive on time and create a good impression.

When you finally have your dream job, remember that it’s just the beginning. You must now prove yourself and aim for high performance. Love your work. If you do, it will have positive effects in all aspects of your life.


Taking Care of Employees

This chapter is dedicated to all managers and business owners.If you are an employee, read this anyway because you, too, can become a boss. This is an important idea you need to know.Talented, hard-working and trust-worthy people are hard to find.Ask anyone who is working in human resources:High salary and prestige are not enough to make people stay. A boss should have a genuine concern for their employees.The organization should have the human touch.

Here are ways for how to do this.First, get out of your corner. Do not just stay in your office or the conference room. Do not be a distant boss who simply gives orders through email. Make your employees feel like you are approachable.Go to their work stations and check on them. Join their conversations.Let the employees know you and know more about them too.This will foster cooperation and unity in your team.

Second, spend time with your employees one by one. For example, if an employee makes a mistake, approach him and spend a few minutes to talk. Explain what it is exactly that the employee did wrong.Do it in a calm manner and touch him gently on the shoulder.After the reprimand, give him a small praise.In this way, the employee will remember it. He will learn the lesson without having any bad feeling towards you.

Third, plan an outing. Once in a while, it’s nice to get away from the office. Take time to relax and enjoy with your employees. It can be in a team dinner or a weekend travel out of town, or a celebration or a party. This will prevent burn-out and stress. This will also establish the idea that you can rely on each other.


Stopping Attrition

What is attrition? It means loss of employees due to resignation. This is the biggest challenge for any HR department. It is an important task to make employees stay at the company. Promotions and salary increase are not enough to encourage loyalty. Therefore, HR uses strategies and planning to maintain low rates of attrition.

According to Chanakya, there are two types of employees. One is content and the other is discontent. He gives advice on how to handle each of them.Managers should not make the mistake of ignoring employees who seem content.They are those who do not ask for a salary increase or promotion.Yes, the employees do not express it but it doesn’t mean that they are really content. Every employee works to get something in return.

If another company makes a better offer, you will surely lose these employees. So you should give content employees more recognition, benefits, and salary, even if they don’t ask for it.You will see that they will be more motivated on the job and more loyal to the company by showing them you value them.They will not think of talking behind your back or resigning.And for those employees who are expressing discontent, try your best to give them what they ask for. Give them gifts and benefits to convince them to stay.

Here are more important tips to avoid attrition.First, make human resources a top priority. Most companies focus on marketing, finance and sales. They don’t see the relevance of the Human Resources department.Do not make the same mistake.The HRD is not just there to hire employees; train them and keep their records.It is very important to make the best investment in your people.If your people are good performers, your company will surely succeed.

Second, the owner of the company should be a mentor. The CEO should be a friend, a teacher and a philosopher. Running the business is not his only responsibility. He should also be an inspiration to his employees. If the CEO sets a good example, he will encourage his subordinates to be responsible and hard-working, just like him.

Third, your organization must have its own unique culture. This fosters the feeling of belonging to the employees. They will feel they share a common goal and common interests with everyone else. This will make them loyal and proud to be part of the company.


Changing Jobs

There comes a point in any career when you feel bored because of the repetitive tasks. You feel that you do the same thing every day and stuck in a routine. What you need is new and more challenging responsibilities.Do not let yourself feel sad and unappreciated.If you know that you are capable, and if you feel that you have enough experience, take up the courage to talk to your boss.

Explain to him your position. Tell him about your skills and achievements in the past. Ask him to give you more responsibilities and assign you to a new project or refer you to another department. Changing jobs doesn’t always mean leaving your organization. It could also mean that you are getting promoted.

Here are tips to increase your chance of getting a promotion.First, gather experience. Do not limit your knowledge and instead learn from many people. Participate in training programs and upgrade your skills.If you have an expertise, then you really deserve a higher position.

Second, prepare documents. Before talking to your boss, compile your updated CV, certificates, project reports and portfolio. These will serve as proof of your great potential.

Third, talk about the benefits. Talk about the greater value that you can give to the team if you’re promoted. Do a little research and prepare your speech. Be specific about the details. What more can you do? How is your promotion going to benefit everyone?


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