Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul (English)

Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul (English)


Do you want to know inspiring stories from ordinary people? Do you want to know they overcome different challenges in life? The Unsinkable Soul is someone who faced challenges with hope and perseverance. They triumphed over poverty, sickness and disability. The Unsinkable Soul is someone who found happiness in spite of the odds.You may be having some troubles in your life as well. There may be times when you lose hope. But these stories will inspire you to be strong. You will learn from these stories that life is beautiful. You may not see it sometimes but there are still reasons to be happy, to have hope and to love.Chicken Soup for the Soul is a popular book series. The authors have shared millions of stories from people of all ages and all walks of life. Chicken Soup continues to inspire and change people’s lives today.

A New Day for Dorothy

Dorothy is an 8 year old girl. Her mother took her to a therapist named Frances. The doctors said that Dorothy is mentally retarded, that her case is hopeless. The little girl could not talk.Her mother hasn’t heard her say a single word.Of all the years in working with special children, Frances learned that people should not look at what is lacking in them. The important thing is to see the special strengths of these children and to show them love. Frances believes that every special child has a special strength.She adored Dorothy from the first time they met.Dorothy has beautiful blond hair and big blue eyes. She was very shy when she saw Frances.“It’s one of her quiet days, thank heaven. On her wild ones, there’s no controlling her”.Dorothy’s mother said.Frances did not see that. She just saw in Dorothy an individual who is struggling to be seen and recognized. Frances said she would try to work with Dorothy for one month.


It was difficult in the beginning. Frances would bring Dorothy to a special class for retarded children. The little girl would just sit on her chair and stare blankly. She doesn’t want to play with the other kids.“She’s unreachable. I don’t know why they keep sending her.” The teacher said.Frances observed the class. The children are playing with wooden shapes. One is trying to fit a square block in a square hole. Frances understood why Dorothy is uninterested. It’s not fun and challenging to play. Frances advised the little girl’s parents to quit the school.She learned that Dorothy’s problem is that no one recognizes her strengths. No one expects her to do anything. Frances saw that if Dorothy is just given the chance to learn and do things on her own, she would improve greatly.One day, Dorothy was having breakfast with her siblings. She did not eat her cereals. She just sat there observing the other children. “Just spoon it to her.” The nurse said. But Frances replied, “She can eat by herself. I guess she’s just too interested in what’s going on.”

The nurse did not believe that though. For her, Dorothy is just retarded and hopeless. But Frances knows that even though she doesn’t say a word, Dorothy understands what is happening around her.Frances took Dorothy to Central Park on a beautiful sunny day. As they walked around the park, Frances started singing. She knew that Dorothy likes it because the little girl started marching her feet and nodding to the melodies.They sat in a bench and brought out the crayons and sketch pads. Frances noticed the drawings of Dorothy. There are always patters of waving lines, flowing lines drawn all over. Frances did not know what it means then. The nurse says they are just meaningless scribbles.There at the park, Frances drew the trees, the people and the sky. Dorothy drew some pigeons. Frances saw the beauty in them. And then Dorothy stood up.

She reached her arms to the sky and flew like a pigeon. She went around and around in her graceful flying dance.When autumn came, Frances and Dorothy stayed in the house to play the piano. Frances played the songs she sang at the park. She sang all the happy melodies that Dorothy liked. The next thing she knew, Dorothy is singing along with her. Her little voice rang across the room.Frances kept on playing the songs. She was surprised that Dorothy remembered the every word. And then, she heard someone crying at the door. It was Dorothy’s mother. She took Dorothy in her arms and hugged her tight.From that moment on, Dorothy’s life was changed.Frances stayed for another month. During that time, Dorothy learned the alphabet. When Frances left, Dorothy is already 13 years old. She can do many things on her own.Dorothy was finally able to talk. Frances asked her what her drawings mean, those wavy lines she drew over and over again. Dorothy said, “That’s what the wind looks like.” The little girl was finally able to spread her wings and go out to the world.


Small Soldiers

Rachel is a single mother of four children. She is 27 years old. Rachel and her small soldiers lived in an old apartment in New Jersey. She did everything she could to raise her kids alone.She can’t afford the luxuries in life but Rachel makes sure to shower them with love.When the kids are asleep, Rachel would always think of ways to improve their lifestyle.One night, she found a nice apartment they could move in. It has five bedrooms. The apartment is even surrounded by a huge backyard. Her children could finally have their own space and play around.Rachel talked to the landlady. She said she would fix all the repairs and prepare everything in one month. Rachel paid her the first month’s rent in cash.The children were very excited to move. They all started packing. Rachel was very happy for her children.But there became a problem.


Rachel forgot to ask for the keys of the new apartment. The landlady did not answer her calls anymore. It seems like Rachel had been duped. With a heavy heart, she relayed the bad news to the kids.She felt sad and defeated. But the worst was yet to come. They could not go back to the old apartment because the lease is already done. Rachel has no more money. Her mother wanted to take them in but kids are not allowed in her place.Rachel went to her friend, who is also a single mother with five kids. Her friend took them in but Rachel knew that they couldn’t stay for long. She told her small soldiers that they have no choice but to camp in the car. “Why can’t we stay at Grandma’s?” Her 10 year old son asked. “People have their own lives, Honey. We have to handle this on our own. We can do this.” Rachel said.She tried her best to be strong for her children. She drew her strength from them. They lived in the car for several weeks. They showered at Grandma’s apartment in the morning. They ate at fast food restaurants. The kids went to school as usual and they never missed a day. It was an odd routine but the kids enjoyed it.

Every night, Rachel will find a parking lot under a spotlight. When it is cold, the kids would cuddle in the backseat. They shared blankets and hugged each other for heat. Rachel would stay in the driver’s seat and keep watch.Eventually, Rachel saved enough money to rent an apartment. But she couldn’t find one which accepts 4 kids. So she looked for a cheap hotel instead. The kids are happy. There’s a warm bed and a bath tub. They sneaked in groceries to cook in a small hot plate.Many months have passed. The landlady called Rachel. She apologized for what happened and promised to refund all the money. 13 years later, Rachel and her children lived in a wonderful large house. She is very proud of her small soldiers. They have been brave. They fought that tough time in their life together.


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