As a Man Thinketh (English)

As a Man Thinketh (English)



Effects of Thoughts on Circumstances

There are reactive people. These people are those who complain and blame others for what is happening in their life. They say that they are unlucky, that life is unfair. Reactive people don’t realize that they can create their own destinies.Life is not a matter of chance: at least not for active people who take responsibility. Active people are those who remain calm when they encounter difficult people or situations. They give solutions rather than complaining and blaming.A man doesn’t become a beggar or criminal because of destiny or any outside force. It is his thoughts and choices which bring him there. A man with the right thoughts will never end up in jail.

In order to change your situation in life, you must first change yourself. Do not rely on external forces for motivation. The will to change must come from within you. Success, happiness, wealth, love, and good health will only come to you if you work for it.Take, for example, Joe . He was a garbage collector. He wanted to be something else. He wanted to have a better job, a better income, and a better home. But then, Joe slacked off at work. He was lazy, and he didn’t perform well. Joe reasoned that as long as he was paid poorly, so he would work poorly as well.How can he get out of this poor situation? As long as his mind is filled with laziness and irresponsibility, then Joe will never succeed.Take Bo b, for example.

He was a rich and overweight businessman.He had heart disease and diabetes. Bob told his doctors that he would pay any amount just to get well. However, Bob was guilty of gluttony. He kept on eating unhealthy food. He was never satisfied with how much he had eaten.Bob ate even when he was already full.Although Bob said he wanted to be healthy, as long as his mind is filled with gluttony, he will never be cured of his diseases.Or take, for example, Charlie. He was the owner of a huge factory. But one day, he went bankrupt, and he couldn’t understand why. Charlie concluded that life was unfair.The truth is that it was his thoughts and actions which got him into this situation.

Charlie didn’t pay his employees the right amount. He violated labor laws because he wanted to keep more profits for himself. Charlie will never live in prosperity unless he wills himself to change.Like everyone else, you want success, happiness, wealth, love, and good health in your life. Now you know that you are the sole creator of your circumstances. Choose good thoughts and good actions. If you do, good circumstances will come to you.


The Effect of Thought on Health and the Body

Whether you like it or not, the body is the servant of the mind. Evil thoughts lead the body to disease and decay. But good thoughts lead to vitality and youthfulness.Those who are anxious about a certain disease are likely to get it. Why? This is because fear will make the body weak. It will make the body vulnerable to the disease.A defiled mind leads to a corrupt body. A happy and peaceful mind will lead to a young and healthy body.Push thoughts of anger, envy, greed, and dishonesty from your mind. Fill it instead with thoughts of love, happiness, and wisdom. You will see that you will have a youthful face and a strong body.

Imagine there is an 80-year-old lady with the face of an innocent girl.She has a sweet and blissful disposition in life. Then, there is a 50-year-old man full of wrinkles on his face. He is discontent and angry. Who would you rather be?There was a 100-year-old philosopher on his deathbed. He felt no pain and hardship. He died in his sleep. His face was light and calm.The philosopher died as peacefully and as sweetly as he lived. He lived to 100, but he didn’t suffer any chronic illnesses. He was able to teach and study until his very last day.There is no better cure than cheerful thoughts. If you let your mind be filled with pessimism, ill-will, and suspicion, you will dig yourself an early grave. You will build your own prison.But, if you see the good in people and everything around you, if you are selfless and forgiving, you will enjoy a long, healthy, and happy life. You will experience heaven on earth.

What are the thoughts that fill your mind? Do you think of honesty and dignity? Do you think of happiness and serenity? Or do you think of anger, laziness, and worldly desires? What are your dreams made of?In this book, you will learn about the power of thoughts.You may not be aware of it, but your thoughts make up your character, health, and circumstances in life. Your thoughts shape your destiny. Hold on to your dreams and remain calm. This book will help you turn your visions into reality.


Thought and Character

A man   is what he thinks. His character is made up of all his thoughts. What are the ideas that pop up in your mind every single day? All these thoughts make up who you are.Think of your thoughts as seeds. The plants that grow from these seeds are your actions.Even when your actions are “spontaneous,” “out of the blue,” or “all of a sudden,” your thoughts influence them.Actions bloom from thoughts. The fruits of your actions are either joy or suffering. Whatever is happening to you, whether good or bad, are all consequences of your thoughts.Good character comes from the conscious effort of right thinking. It comes from a person’s initiative to think good thoughts. But a bad or evil character comes from a person’s choice to have evil thoughts.

Man is the master of his own character. Thus, he can change his character by having a strong will. A man also has command over his own experiences and destiny.If you have the right thoughts, you take the right actions and attract positive things to happen to you. But if you have the wrong thoughts, you take the wrong actions and attract negative things.Think about it. We shape our own destiny. With our thoughts, we can improve our life. Every day is an opportunity for us to become better people.Take, for example, the story of John. He grew up in a poor family. His father was always drunk, while his mother was angry all the time. John did not learn self-discipline and good character from his parents. As a child, he was a bully. As a teenager, he got involved with marijuana and stealing.

John felt miserable. He had no direction in life. He felt like he was good for nothing. John had no family, no friends, no money, no job, and no home. One day, he woke up, and he wanted to change his life.Little by little, the right thoughts came into his mind. John decided that he wanted to have a family. He wanted to have kids who he would shower with his love. He wanted to become a better parent than his own had been.John stopped all his vices. He went out to look for odd jobs. He worked hard and learned as many skills as he could. Eventually, John met a nice girl. He started a new life with her. They built a small but happy home for their kids. John became a loving husband and father.Like John, you can turn your life around. It all starts with the right thoughts.


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