The Laws of Human Nature (English)

The Laws of Human Nature (English)


The Laws of Human Nature are the weaknesses that humans cannot avoid having. We have the tendency to be short-minded, covetous, aimless, fickle or self-defeating. But by understanding these laws or weaknesses, we will not fall victim to the schemes that other people might play on us. We will not be taken advantage of.There are also times when our own weaknesses are pulling us down. In this book, you will learn stories of famous people who have risen above human nature and become successful in life. As humans, we are imperfect. We have many flaws. If we let our flaws govern our life, then we will become miserable. But if we recognize and defeat these weaknesses, then we will become better people.


The Law of Covetousness

Gabrielle Chanel’s mother died when she was 11 years old. Her father left her and her two sisters in a convent in France. He never came back.One day, Gabrielle found some romance novels in the convent. Someone must have smuggled them in. She became fascinated with the Cinderella-like stories. She read about girls who grew up in poverty but came to be wealthy and admired.When she was 18, she left the convent and studied as a seamstress in a boarding school. Gabrielle explored around town and fell in love with the theatre. She was amazed with the colorful clothes and the actresses in makeup.

Gabrielle decided then that she wanted to become a famous actress. She joined the theatre and used the stage name “Coco Chanel.” She learned how to sing, dance and act. But Gabrielle soon realized that she was far from the success that she desired to be. She learned about actresses who were supported by wealthy lovers. These women enjoyed lots of clothes, jewelry and shoes.The truth is that they were mistresses and courtesans, but they were very beautiful. They knew how to make men follow their every whim.It so happened that Coco had a rich admirer: Etienne Balsan.

He invited her to live in his mansion. There were other lady guests in Balsan’s house. Coco became insecure around them. They had curvy, sexy bodies, while she looked like a boy.She could get anything and any man she wanted, but still Coco was restless. She was not satisfied with the life she had. One day, Coco went to Mr.Balsan’s bedroom and checked out his wardrobe. She tried on some of the clothes. She experimented with the buttoned shirts, coats, pants and hats. She came up with the androgynous style.Coco stopped wearing corsets and gowns. She felt free and comfortable wearing men’s clothes. The other mistresses were now envious of her. The androgynous style fitted her body so well. Even Mr. Balsan was greatly charmed by her new look.

Coco Chanel now realized that this was what she was looking for.She wanted the freedom and power that men have. She wanted to achieve it even in the sense of fashion.The other mistresses came to her and tried on the hats that she had designed. Chanel put feathers and ribbons on them. They were stylish, yet easy to wear.The ladies walked around town wearing Chanel’s hats. Soon, other women got curious as to where they had bought them.Mr.Balsan offered Chanel his apartment in Paris so that she could use it for her new business. Aside from hats, she began to sell clothes with the androgynous style. The clothes for women at the time were only corsets and gowns. But Chanel completely moved away from these.The ladies enjoyed her designs because they could move around more.

The Chanel brand came to be known as stylish, confident and daring. Coco even cut her hair short and encouraged her customers to do so too. The rich women went to their parties wearing Chanel and flaunting their new hairstyle.By 1920, Coco Chanel was already one of the best fashion designers in the world. She became an authority in fashion. But Coco did not stop there. She thought of creating her own brand of perfume. Again, no fashion house had ever done that before.The existing perfumes were only floral in scent. Chanel decided that her scent would be unlike any other. It would not be associated to any kind of flower, yet it would be fragrant nonetheless. She wanted men and women to be attracted to it.She chose a unique name for her perfume. All the scents out there were named after flowers. But Coco chose a mysterious name, which was Chanel No. 5. She also chose modern packaging, and created the logo of two interlocking C’s.

To launch her perfume, what Chanel did was to spray it all over her shop. The fragrant scent filled the air. Anyone who passed by the store smelled it, and many bought a bottle. Chanel also gave samples to her richest customers. They really loved it, and soon every rich Parisian was using Chanel no.5.People just couldn’t get enough of it. Chanel no. 5 became the best-selling perfume in history.Humans are attracted to mystery and taboo. Coco Chanel was aware of this. That is why she remained secretive about her past. She told different stories to everyone.

She also never shared her creative process, and she limited her public appearances. This created a mystery around her.Coco Chanel also made her brand a little rebellious. Women were expected to be demure and feminine during that time. But Chanel dared to be different. She encouraged women to rebel against social expectations, from the short hair, to the swimsuits, the little black dress and the androgynous style of clothing.The name Chanel no. 5 did not reveal what the scent was made of. But the truth is that it was just a combination of jasmine and other flowers. That is how Coco Chanel used the power of desire, mystery and taboo in her business. Because of that, she became really successful.


The Law of Self-Sabotage

Anton Chekhov grew up in the town of Taganrog, Russia. His father was a grocery store owner and his mother a housewife. He had 4 brothers and 1 sister. Their family was poor. His father, Pavel, was a drunkard who always beat his children. He would beat them even for no apparent reason.The time came when Anton’s older brothers had had enough. They decided to go to Moscow. Nikolai wanted to be an artist, while Alexander wanted to study in university. They both wanted to start a new life away from their abusive father.Pavel could not stop his sons. He was facing a big problem in the grocery store.

His debts were piling up. He became bankrupt. Pavel was never a good business manager and because of that, he failed.One night, he simply left home without saying a word. He escaped from his debts and followed his two sons. Eventually, the Chekhovs were kicked out of their own home. All of them moved to Moscow. Only Anton was left to finish his studies.Anton was only 16 then. He had no money and no family to rely on. He became independent. Anton was angry at his father. He became depressed, but he soon realized that he had to face his problems. He thought of earning money by offering his services as a family tutor.He decided that he wanted to be a doctor. And so, he strived hard. Anton tutored as many students as possible. Then he studied intensely at the town library. He found sanctuary in books. He read many fiction stories which took him far away. Anton began writing his own original stories too.

Anton became proud of being able to support himself. Taganrog was still the same, but he had changed. His mind was focused on seeking greater knowledge. He would receive letters from Moscow saying that their father was making life miserable for everyone again.Anton told Alexander, “Stop thinking about father and focus on improving your own self.” He told Mikhail, “Never say that you are worthless. Of all people, you should be the one proving your self-worth.”He forgave his father for being what he was. Anton realized that his father was also beaten as a child. Pavel was bitter because he wanted to be an artist, but his father forced him to be a merchant.

Anton realized that he and his siblings were inheriting that life of bitterness and anger. He decided to break free and help his siblings to change their lives too. No more wasting time. No more self-pity.No more negative outlook.“Work and love, work and love.” That was Anton’s new motto in life. He wanted to share it with his siblings and other people so that they could live happily. He spread the message of “work and love” through the short stories and plays he wrote.In 1879, Anton joined his family in Moscow to study medicine. He was greatly saddened by their situation. The Chekhovs lived in a cramped basement in the red light district.

There was no window and no good source of light, and even worse than this was the low morale of the family. His father kept drinking, womanizing and taking odd jobs. His mother was stressed about their living expenses, and burdened by household chores. His younger siblings didn’t go to school anymore.Alexander and Nikolai worked as a writer and an artist, but they had become drunkards as well. Anton decided that he would set a good example and lead his family to change. He started by cleaning the house and washing their clothes. His brothers became ashamed, and they began to help.Anton saved money from his medical scholarship. He worked hard to send his younger siblings back to school. He found a more respectful job for his father. Anton was also able to find a better apartment for his whole family. They finally moved out of their hopeless situation.

Anton Chekhov said that his wife was medicine and his mistress was literature. He was not only able to save his family. He also helped improve the situation of prisoners in Sakhalin Island. He exposed their terrible situation through his writings.Humans have the tendency to self-sabotage. When facing difficult situations, people further succumb and make their lives even worse. But Anton Chekhov realized that you can change your circumstances in life by changing your attitude.

His motto “work and love” describes simple yet powerful values to live by.He grew up in poverty and physical abuse. He lived in hopeless neighborhoods. But Anton Chekhov chose to face every day with high morale. He kept a good attitude and influenced others to adapt a good attitude too.Do not let your circumstances determine who you are. Even if people around you have a negative attitude, you have the power to lift yourself up. The choice is always yours.You are the captain of your own ship. You can direct your life in the right direction just like Anton Chekhov did.


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