The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime! (English)

The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime! (English)


Have you ever wondered how a 22-year-old can afford a limousine? How a guy can be retired at the age of 30 and still live a life of luxury? Do you think it is possible to retire young and wealthy? The answer is “YES.” You can break the general rule of retiring at the age of 60. You can become a young millionaire. You can avoid torturing yourself all your life just to become rich someday. You can experience all luxuries at a young age. You can watch your kids grow up, and you can pursue your hobbies. You can travel the world without worries. You can have the freedom to live your life in your own way.In this book, you will learn about the great deception about wealth. You will learn that there is no point in becoming a rich old person. Wealth is best enjoyed in youth.

In this book, you will also learn about the three types of roadmaps.You will learn their significance and shortcomings. Among these three roadmaps, only the Fastlane roadmap can direct you towards wealth and success. Wealth does not come by looking at the end of the road, but by focusing on the road trip.In this journey, you will also learn that true wealth is not the capability to buy materialistic things, but that true wealth lies in family, health, and freedom. You will learn how to become rich and young.You can be wealthy while being young, and enjoy your life to the fullest.So, are you ready to get rich? Let's get started.


The Great Deception

The traditional formula of getting rich is to get a job, save money, cut expenses, buy coupons, and invest in mutual funds. After doing these things for 20 to 30 years, you will be rich. All your life, you will work hard to retire as a rich person But “Get rich old and slow” is a self-defeating game. You will lose your time, youth, relationships, and health. An investment banker from Chicago shared his experience on the Fastlane Forum. He was 23 years old, and he had a good job.

He was earning a handsome salary plus some commissions too. The banker said that when he looked at those guys driving exotic cars and living a lavish lifestyle, he hated his job.All those guys with exotic cars had silver hair, and they were almost 50 years old. The banker said that once, a 52-year-old man told him that by the time you would be able to afford a luxury car, you would not be able to enjoy it.“Get rich old” is a deception. You will sacrifice your golden days just to become a rich old person.


The Road Trip To Wealth

Wealth is not an event, but it is a process. You need to go through the process to become rich. It is like a road trip. You need to enjoy the road trip instead of focusing only on the destination. The destination is the event, and the journey is the process.The wealth road trip formula includes three components. The first is the vehicle, which is you. Only you can decide on your journey. The second component is the road that you travel, which is represented by your choices. The third component is the speed with which you implement your ideas.MJ DeMarco and his friends were going to South Florida from Chicago on a road trip. In the middle of their journey, their car broke down.

They were stuck somewhere in southern Illinois, far away from their destination. This happened because they were focusing on the destination and not on the road trip. They did not care about the oil, car engine, roadmap, and other important aspects before heading towards their destination. If they had been careful with the important tools and their journey, they would have reached their destination smoothly. Remember, the destination is the event, and the journey is the process. If you care about the process, you will achieve the event.One day, you might open your computer and read a blog.

The blog says that a young man sold his company for $30 million. This is an event that everyone is admiring. But nobody knows about the hard work behind it. Nobody knows about the long hours of coding and the days spent working in a garage in chilly winters.Everyone admires the event, but people barely know about the long journey behind it. The event became possible only because of the journey and the process.There was an athlete who signed a contract of $50 million to play a pro basketball game. This was an event witnessed by everyone. But the athlete did not get rich in just a few minutes of signing the contract. The athlete had to go through a long journey of hard work to get to the contract.

He practised for hours, he bore wounds, and he went through surgeries. The athlete faced rejections and failures. All these good and bad experiences together made his journey toward wealth.You cannot simply mix ingredients to make a tasty dish. Suppose you want to make cookies. You go into the kitchen and mix sugar and flour in a bowl. What will happen? Will you get the cookies? No. You will not get the cookies until you add baking soda and butter into the sugar and flour. The cookies will not rise until you give them heat to rise. It is the whole recipe that makes delicious cookies, and not just the ingredients. Wealth is like a recipe. You need all the ingredients to have success. One forgotten ingredient, and you will not be rich.


The Sidewalk Roadmap

Demarco has defined three types of roadmap. The first one is the Sidewalk roadmap. It leads to poorness. “Sidewalkers” do not save for tomorrow. They spend all their income on today's expenses and luxuries. They do not plan for the future, and they live from one paycheck to another. The sidewalk road leads to poorness because of poor financial management and lack of discipline.There are two kinds of Sidewalkers: the income-poor and income-rich. Sidewalkers have zero net worth or negative net worth. Research says that 85 per cent of Americans have zero net worth or negative net worth.

This means that they have no savings, funds, or any kind of deposits. These people have huge debts in the form of car loans, home loans, personal loans, etc. But still, you can see the latest flat-screen TVs, latest cell phones, newest-technology cars, or many kinds of the latest gadgets in their homes.These things are not a necessity in life. These are just luxury things. Income-poor Sidewalkers do not save money for the future. They have no retirement plan, and they spend all their money on showing off. They do not prepare for any kind of emergency in the future.

The sidewalk roadmap is not safe. For example, a bump in this road can make you fall. This bump can be a job loss, an increase in interest rates, an accident, health crisis, or a recession. A Sidewalker has a brand new car but no health insurance. If an accident then happens, the Sidewalker has to pay from their pocket, which leads even more debts and poorness.An income-rich person can also be a Sidewalker. For example, a famous rapper went broke after having two hits in three years. The rapper was earning $4 million per month.But still, he went broke. He had a bad credit history and poor money management skills.

Income-rich Sidewalkers like famous musicians, actors, etc. spend more on external looks. They wear expensive designer clothes.They drive expensive cars. They live in large beachfront houses and spend more than their income. Suppose they are earning $50,000 per month; they will spend $60,000 per month. This is the reason why they never become wealthy. Even a small failure can cause them a big loss. Even a single failed album or movie flop can ruin them.


Has Your Wealth Been Toxified?

Wealth is not defined by material possession. It is defined by the wealth trinity. The wealth trinity has three components. These are family, fitness, and freedom. First, wealth means having strong familial relationships with all people. It also means being healthy and fit, because nothing is more valuable than a healthy and vibrant body. Wealth also means having freedom. It is the freedom to make your own choices and to live your life in your own way that is the most valuable gift you can ever have.Wealth has two types. These are faux wealth and real wealth. Faux wealth is the illusion of wealth.

It destroys real wealth. MJ DeMarco has provided an example here to show the difference between real wealth and faux wealth.There was an apartment complex near the expressway. The complex was in a run-down condition. Demarco used to pass the complex while driving to the gym. He always noticed an expensive Cadillac Escalade car parked in the lot of that battered apartment complex. He used to wonder about the owner.If the owner could afford a $60,000 car, then he must be wealthy.But if the owner is wealthy, then why he was living in a shabby apartment? The owner should be living in a nice complex instead of having a luxury car. The reason behind that luxury car and the battered apartment was that the owner was not rich at all. He just wanted to look rich. This is called faux wealth. This is when you are not wealthy, but you pretend to be wealthy.

Here is one more example to prove that physical possessions do not equal real wealth. The only way to gain real wealth is to have fitness, family, and freedom.Henry Sukarano was a pharmaceutical representative in a leading drug-manufacturing company. He was earning a handsome income. Henry bought his dream house, which was worth $1.8 million. The house had everything in it. There was a swimming pool, a five-car garage, and horse stables. The house made Henry feel rich.One day, his career was upturned due to some corporate politics.Henry was expected to work even harder than before. He needed to travel every day. He spent his days either working or sleeping. Henry bought his dream home to enjoy it, but he rarely got a chance to live there peacefully.

His dream home cost him his relationships, fitness, and freedom. Henry barely had time with his wife and kids. He was under immense stress all the time. He became trapped in his lifestyle, which took away his peace and freedom.The essence of the story is that Henry wanted to look wealthy. That's why he bought an expensive house. But it was unaffordable for him. To pay for the house, he continued his demanding job in the drug company, and lost his freedom, health, and family. This is how faux wealth destroys real wealth.


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