See You at the Top (English)

See You at the Top (English)


Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Where are you in your life right now? Do you think you have reached the top of your abilities?  Do you think you are the best that you can be?Maybe you feel like you’re not getting the most out of life. This book is perfect for you. Sometimes we see people we know and we say to ourselves, “If I can just be like that…If I could just have that, I will be successful.”This is a negative way of thinking. Right now, you have everything that you need to be successful.You have your own self and you have what it takes to be on the top.There’s a popular story of a dying old man. As he lies weakly on his death bed, he finds out that his house is actually built on a gold mine. All his life, the old man had been living in that house not knowing about the riches that were underneath. Riches that he actually owned.

Don’t be like the old man. The goal of this book is to help you tap into your potential. It’s to help you take action. It’s to help you maximize your abilities so that you and the people around you can live a better life.Imagine that you’re at the bottom of a staircase. You want to reach the top. There at the top is the door to tomorrow. It leads to happiness, wealth, peace, security, good health and plenty of opportunity. Of course, you want to get there.However, the elevator is out of order. There is no quick way to reach the top. Instead, you must take all the steps.You will learn them one by one.

The first step is self-image. The second step is relationship with others. The third step is goals. The fourth step is attitude. The fifth step is work. And finally, the sixth step is desire.It’s time to take your first step. Your journey to reach the top starts now.


Garbage Dump Thinking

There is a gold mine within you. There is a kind, smart, talented and successful person hiding. Maybe, the reason why you’re not at the top is because of garbage dump thinking.There is a saying that goes, “You are where you are because that’s exactly where you want to be.” Maybe you are broke. Maybe you are at a point where you are settling for less. Maybe you are not getting along well with your family or your colleagues.But is that really where you want to be? Is that really what you want in life? One way or another, you may be influenced by garbage dump thinking.Ever since you’re a child, people are giving you negative ideas about yourself and your life.

They are telling you “that’s all you can do” or “that’s all you can be.” But that is not true.Stop taking the garbage that other people throw at you. Whatever your background is, the only thing that matters is what you do and where you are headed. You cannot blame your parents, your relatives, your boss, or your community for what is happening to you.There was once a big garbage dump in a busy city. For 100 years, people dumped all their garbage there.Year after year, massive amounts of garbage were accumulated in it. One day, some progressive citizens saw something different in the garbage dump.Something changed in the way they see it. The citizens had a new perspective of the lot.

They started seeing it as a space for a grand shopping center. And that’s what they built.The people stopped dumping their garbage and they started filling it with good soil, until there was a solid foundation over all that garbage.In a few years, that garbage dump became the most magnificent shopping center they’d seen. It was big, bright and filled with all the beautiful products. The place most hated in the city became the most loved. All the people did was get rid of their old thinking.Right at this moment, all that garbage you carry is already part of your past. None of it matters. You can take this day as the first day of the rest of your life.


The Black Balloon

You have what it takes. You are cut out for this. Your success and your dream life start with you. Do not doubt yourself or make any more excuses. Do not wait for the big break to happen to you. The life that you’ve always wanted will be yours if you just believe in what you can do.There was once a man who sold balloons in New York City. When no one bought any, he released one balloon to attract customers. True enough, people came to him when they saw a balloon floating in the air.The man chose a different color every time. Sometimes it was white, sometimes it was red, or sometimes it was yellow.Suddenly, one little negro boy approached the salesman. The boy tugged at his sleeves and asked “Mister, if you released a black balloon, would it go up?”

The man looked at the little boy with sincerity and understanding. He replied, “Son, it’s what’s inside those balloons that make them go up.”No matter who you are and where you are in life right now, you should know this. It’s what’s inside you that will make you go up.


The First Step: Self-Image

The journey to the top really begins with yourself. It’s cliché but it’s true. If you do not believe in yourself, then how can you expect others to believe in you?The first step is to get rid of your negative self-image and build your positive self-image. You must see yourself in a different light. Imagine that one of your friends calls you one morning.He or she tells you, “Friend, don’t be disturbed, I don’t want to borrow any money and I have no favor to ask. I just called to tell you that you’re one of the most amazing people I know.”

“You are doing great things for your career and the people around you. I like being friends with you because I feel inspired and motivated to do better whenever I’m with you. Friend, you encourage me to be my best self. That’s all. I hope we can see each other again soon.”After hearing those words, you will surely feel better.  You will see those positive things that your friend saw in you. Suddenly, your confidence will go up. You realize that you really can do amazing things. Once your image improves, your performance will improve as well.Now, there may be times when you feel unmotivated. There may be times that you yourself think that this is all you can achieve. That this is all you can be. Each time you do, you are stealing from yourself.

There was once a talented painter named Emmanuel Ninger. He was very popular in the 1880s. Not for his portraits, but for his perfectly hand-painted fake dollar bills.One day, Emmanuel was buying turnips in the local grocery. He handed the cashier a 20 dollar bill. The cashier noticed that her fingers became wet with ink when she touched the money.She hesitated. But she let it pass. Emmanuel was a distinguished artist. Surely, he was not a fraud.The cashier accepted the money and gave Emmanuel his change. Later that day, the cashier had second thoughts. During that time, 20 dollars was huge money. She called the police.One police officer was convinced that it was a genuine bill. But the other one was puzzled about the ink that came out of it. They took a search warrant and went to Emmanuel’s home.

The police were surprised with what they saw. They found Emmanuel’s workspace in the attic where he hand painted and reproduced these fake 20 dollar bills. They even saw one dollar bill left hanging to dry.Emmanuel was an expert artist.He was so good that he could replicate a 20-dollar bill with his masterful brush strokes. On that day, Emmanuel was arrested. The controversy caused his artwork to be sold for $5,000 to $16,000 each.If Emmanuel had put all that time and effort into painting more portraits, he would have made lots and lots of money. He would have been even more successful.But Emmanuel chose to use his extraordinary talent for something else.Maybe there are times when you feel unproductive. There are times when you let yourself be mediocre.

There are times when you let your bad habits and negative thoughts win you over.You know what they are and you have the choice to change it. You have the choice to be a thief or to become a genius. Only you can lift yourself up.When you see yourself as this amazing person who can do amazing things, then you will perform well. Not only will your life improve but also the lives of the people you value the most.


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