You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life (English)

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life (English)


Do you lie on the couch all day watching Netflix or playing video games? Do you think that you are sad, ugly, fat and broke? Are you stuck in a job or situation you don’t like? Do you want to change once and for all and do something meaningful with your life? Then this is the book for you.Jen Sincero used to be just like you. That is, until the day she decided that enough was enough. In this book, she shared how she transformed her life from a couch potato to a successful, happy and confident woman.

In this book, you will learn how to love yourself more. You will learn about the old beliefs holding you back and how to change them. You will also learn how to be thankful, generous and forgiving. You will learn how to fill your mind with thoughts that will let you live an awesome life.


My Subconscious Made Me Do It

When you were a baby, you were a real bundle of joy. You have cute wide eyes that live in the moment. You were never ashamed of your body. You took wonder at everything. As you grow, you learn from people around you. It is inevitable that you pick up the beliefs of your family. It doesn’t matter if those beliefs are true. You pick them up anyway.You believe all those rules because you don’t know any better. When people say you are too fat, or that you should go to college, or you shouldn’t be an artist, you believe all of it.

Your parents love you and they want the best for you.They also picked up those beliefs from their parents. Your grandparents also picked up those beliefs from your great grandparents.The world you grew up in is actually the opinions of people who came before you.This book will help you trample those old beliefs and create your own rules. Why? because it’s your life and you have every right to be happy.There is something we call the conscious mind and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is what we use to process and analyze information. This is where logic and decision making comes from. The conscious mind only becomes fully developed during puberty.

The subconscious mind deals with our instincts and feelings. It is already fully developed when we are born. This is the reason why children are irrational and emotional.Their conscious mind is not yet intact.The subconscious mind is where the beliefs and rules we learned as a child are stored. They remain there even as we grow older. We are not aware that the choices we make as an adult are influenced by the ideas that our parents taught us.For example, your father is not financially stable. He always grumbles about how hard it is to make money. He kicks the furniture, and he is grumpy all the time.

Your father doesn’t spend time with you because he is always trying and failing to make a decent living. As a child, your subconscious mind absorbs those beliefs with no filter. You learn that money means struggle. It causes pain. It is the reason why you’re neglected by your father. As an adult, it’s likely that you’ll be miserable with finances as well. You’ll stay broke even if you try to make money. If you end up have plenty of money, you’ll find ways to lose it because money means being abandoned by the person you love.Your subconscious mind lurks over you like a shadow and you are not aware of it. This book will help you break free from it and live the life you’ve always wanted.


Present as a Pigeon

A pigeon lives in the now. It doesn’t bother itself with the past or worry about the future. It just flies around looking for food. When a pigeon has eaten, it is satisfied and happy.Humans, meanwhile, are busy worrying and fuzzing. We all have our dramas in life, we seek for approval and we complain about the small things. We don’t see the miracle that is happening around us right now.The Earth is constantly spinning on an imaginary circle. We have plants, air and water. We can love, laugh and make music. We have computers, cars, medicine and muffins. The whole universe is filled  with miracles. The fact that we don’t see the wonders of life every day is quite tragic.

Do we all need a near-death experience to see all the good things that we have? We need to learn from animals and babies. For example, a dog that hasn’t seen its owner for an hour will jump up and down when the owner gets back.You will see it very excited and happy. If the dog could talk, it must say, “You’re here and I’m here. I love you and I’m going to pee all over the floor because of it.”

Little kids live in the moment too. They are so happy exploring, learning and pretending.They do not worry about what other people think. They don’t compare themselves with other children. A toddler will laugh, dance, sing and jump as much as he likes because it is fun and it’s all that matters.Everything that you need in life is already here. The money you want to get, the person you want to meet, the experience you want to have, all of it exists. You just need to make it a part of your reality.

Think of electricity. Electrons, positive and negative energy, magnetism has always been here on Earth. It took geniuses like Nikola Tesla to tap into electricity’s potential and make it available to everyone.The point is that the things you desire are already here.You need to see it or see how you can get it. There’s a story about a Hindu lady who wants to see the god Krishna. She went deep in the forest to pray and meditate.After a while, Krishna revealed himself to her. He was standing right in front of her. Krishna told the lady to open her eyes.She said, “Please don’t bother me, Sir. I am doing something very important.”

Live in the moment. Don’t bother about the past or worry about the future. What matters is now. Focus on all the good things happening to you right in this very moment. Breathe deeply. Feel your heart beat.See your loved ones and all the blessings you have. Be thankful. Trust that if you do the right thing in the present, the right things will also come to you.


Love the One You Is

When you were new in this world, you know how to breathe deeply. You know how to stop eating when you’re full, how to sing and dance as you like, how to play, explore and love without limits.As you grow older and learn from other people, you pick up negative and false beliefs. Such as shame, fear, and self-doubt. You end up in physical and emotional pain. You try to cure it with alcohol, drugs, sex, TV, cheeseburgers or whatever.

For example, all you ever wanted was to dance but people tell you it’s stupid. You have this big curly hair and people tell you you’re ugly. You feel that you are gay, but people tell you it’s wrong, so you hide your true self.You believe that you’re not good enough and you become miserable. All of these are lies. You have to learn how to love yourself again. You have to lose all those hateful feelings about yourself.Imagine how much change it will bring to your life if you just love everything about you. If you have the freedom to become whoever you want to be.

Appreciate yourself. You are special. There is no other person in the world exactly like you. No one else has the special talents and abilities you have. Embrace your unique self and create your own path.Do the things you love as much as you can. Do not deny yourself of the people, things, food, experiences that makes you happy. If scuba diving makes you feel alive, do it.Life is short. Be proactive about getting the life of your dreams. Don’t make excuses. Don’t let yourself be stuck in an awful job, apartment or relationship.There’s always a way to make time, money and effort. There are people all over the world doing yoga by the ocean, or partying at a music festival, or flying an air balloon right now. You can be one of them.

Don’t ever compare yourself to other people. Imagine if the Beatles compared themselves to Beethoven. What if John Lennon said, “Hey, that guy is awesome, more awesome than we’ll ever be, and he doesn’t even have a drummer. Maybe we should get rid of our drummer and add some classical music.”Then we wouldn’t have the great rock and roll of Beatles. Don’t concern yourself with the lives of other people. Enjoy your life and make it the best way you can. Love yourself because you are awesome and you deserve to be happy.


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