The 4-Hour Workweek (English)

The 4-Hour Workweek (English)


Do you want to live like a millionaire? Do you want to work anytime, live anywhere, and do whatever you want? You do not have to work all your life to do so. You don’t even need to have millions in your bank account. You just have to join the New Rich.

In this book, you will learn who the New Rich is. You will also learn about lifestyle design, the 80/20 principle, and Parkinson’s Law. To live like a millionaire means having the freedom of your time, money, and location. You will learn tips on how to achieve that.

The 4-hour workweek gives you the opportunity to take the deal of a lifetime. You can travel the world, go skiing, or go surfing while still being an effective entrepreneur or employee. You will see that to accomplish more; you have to do less. Let’s begin.


New Rich and Lifestyle Design

What if there was a way to have a stable income without having to stay 8 hours in the office? What if there was an alternative to spending your best years inside a cubicle? You may be a hard-working employee or a striving entrepreneur; either way, this book is for you.

You don’t have to wait for retirement to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You can experience the best that life could offer while working and earning money. Timothy Ferriss was a 9-5 employee. That was until the day he made a choice. He didn’t want life to just pass him by. He didn’t want to end up decades later as an old man who was too weak to enjoy his retirement money.

Tim Ferriss didn’t want you to experience that too. He gave you the invitation to join the New Rich. Who are the New Rich? They are those who went against the conventional way to success.

It has been accepted for many years that the road to success is to study hard, graduate college, and work 8 hours daily in an office. That was what people called the “real world.” That was the “good future” for most, but you can bend that reality.

New Rich are those who live by their own rules and standards. Tim Ferriss and many others have proved that it was possible to live a life of luxury and still be a productive entrepreneur or employee. You can travel around the world or engage in leisurely activities and still support your family. You don’t have to be a millionaire. You only need to maximize your time and mobility.

“Life doesn’t have to be so damn hard. It really doesn’t.” The New Rich are those who have embraced the lifestyle design. What if you could work half of the hours you do now and get paid twice as much? What if you didn’t have to wait for retirement to relax and enjoy yourself? You have a choice not to work for the sake of work. You can work and have fun at the same time.

Dale Begg-Smith was only 21 years old. He was both a successful entrepreneur and a professional athlete. He won the gold medal in the 2006 Winter Olympics for skiing. Dale has performed a perfect backflip and broke the previous records. At his young age, he even owned a black Lamborghini.

Dale originally came from Canada. That was where he founded an online I.T. company with his older brother. Dale was only 13 then, and his brother Jason was 15. They created the I.T. company to fund their dreams of joining the Olympics. After two years, the brothers’ business venture became the third most successful in its industry.

As Dale’s teammates pushed their limits on training, he split his time to work on his business. On one occasion, Dale flew to Tokyo to drink sake with his Japanese clients. His coaches thought that he should give more attention to his training. Amidst the situation, Dale managed to deliver excellent ski performances.

Dale could move freely between his Olympic dream and his business. He didn’t have to choose and drop one. It was in 2002 when Dale and his brother decided to migrate to Australia, the best place on Earth for skiing. The Australian ski team was smaller and more flexible. They had a legendary coach.

Within three years, Dale gained his Australian citizenship. In a twist of fate, he competed against his former teammates in Canada. Dale Begg-Smith won every game and got the third winter gold medal of Australia.

Choose not to be a deferrer. Do not work for work and find out later that you have spent 30 to 50 years of your life sitting at a desk. The lifestyle design gives you the option to control what you do with your life, where to do it, when to do it, and who you do it with.


Rules that Change the Rules

Oscar Wilde once said, “Everything popular is wrong.” The New Rich live on very different terms from the rest of the population. It doesn’t mean that they walk on their hands or wear underwear outside their pants. The New Rich has defined their rules. Here are 5 basic rules which you too can follow.

1.    “Retirement as a goal is flawed”. Why look forward to retirement? Looking forward to retirement can mean that you are not happy with how you are currently spending your time. By the time you retire, inflation will have decreased the value of your life savings. You have worked hard through most of your life; you will surely be very bored one week after you retire.

2.    “Alternating periods of activity and rest is necessary to survive”. Do you want to look as old as Donald Trump when you’re 30 years old? Your career requires you to do the same thing for more than 8 hours every single day. You will likely grow old fast and have a breakdown.

As a New Rich, you can choose to have “mini-retirements” in between the demands of your work. Instead of retirement after 50 years, you can travel or engage in your hobbies every now and then. You can be productive and enjoy life at the same time.

For example, Tim Ferriss aimed to spend one month living in another country. If not, he trained in tango or kickboxing. Tim did these mini retirements every 2 months.

3.    The third New Rich rule, “Less is not laziness.” When you apply the lifestyle design, you will get rid of meaningless work; you can focus on things that are most important. The New Rich spend less hours in the office, but despite that, they are more effective than most. Just because you are busy with something doesn’t mean that you’re being productive.

4.    “Ask for forgiveness, not permission”. There will always be people to hold you back. It can be your partner, your parents, or your boss. Say sorry for the damage you will cost them, but don’t let them stop you. Chances are the damage is not permanent. Whatever it is, it can be fixed. You don’t need anybody’s permission to move.

5.    “Relative income is more important than absolute income.” There are two types of income, absolute and relative. Absolute income refers to your actual salary, while relative income considers both your salary and the amount of time you work to get it.

For example, Jane and John. Jane has an annual income of $100,000, while John only has $50,000. If we only consider money, Jane is two times richer. We do not see the bigger picture. Jane works 80 hours weekly. She was being paid about $25 an hour. Meanwhile, John worked 10 hours weekly. He was paid the equivalent of $100 an hour. Who is truly richer then, Jane or John?
“Don’t follow a model that doesn’t work.” We have been conditioned for many years to be ready for the “real world” and the sure way to success. If the recipe doesn’t bring about good results, would you still follow it?


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