12 Rules for Life (English)

12 Rules for Life (English)


Chaos, disorder, endless problems – Do you feel caught up with these every day? Are you always troubled at work? Do you feel like your relationships are falling apart? If so, then this is the book for you.Here are 12 rules which will help you bring order to your life. They will help you to free yourself from unnecessary pain and suffering. Let’s learn the rules one by one.


Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back

Have you ever felt defeated? Have you ever felt that life is unfair? Have you ever felt burdened with so many problems? At that time, you probably let your head down. Your posture shows it when your shoulders and back are hunched. Jordan Peterson says you shouldn’t allow yourself to be like that for long.Why? Having a stooped posture makes you feel even more depressed. If you simply straighten up, if you breathe deep and stand up with your shoulders back, you will feel better. Keep your head up. Force yourself to smile. Having a good posture and smile encourages a high level of serotonin in your body.

Serotonin is the happy hormone. It relaxes your nerves, makes your immunity stronger, and influences you to have optimistic thoughts. Even in animals, the maintenance of good posture is essential. A robust-looking body means a higher chance of survival.Take, for example, the lobster. There is a great battle for survival on the ocean floor. The lobster, with a high level of serotonin, has a tall, strong, and straight body.This gives it a significant advantage. It is the mark of a winner.

The lobster with a good posture will win the territory, and it will have more food. It is also likely that it will get a healthy mate and produce healthy offspring. Having a good posture elevates all aspects of its life.On the other hand, the lobster with a stooped back is always the loser. It shows that this lobster has a low level of serotonin. Because of that, it would have to look for another territory. If it doesn’t change, it will end up homeless and never get a chance to breed.

See, humans are similar to lobsters in this aspect. Do not let yourself be a loser. Better opportunities will open up for you if you only think positive thoughts.So, encourage the high level of serotonin in your body. Stand up straight with your shoulders back


Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping

Some people go to the doctor for a particular sickness. But when they get a prescription, they do not follow it correctly. For lack of money, some people cannot buy enough medicine. But others are stubborn as a mule. They think that the sickness will just go away. These people think they are already adults and they don’t need medicine.It’s a wonder, though, that when our pets are sick, we are very attentive. We bring them to the veterinarian and give our pets the proper medication. It seems that we are more worried about our pets than our health.

This situation also happens when it’s our loved ones who are sick. We remind them to take the right medicine at the right time. We encourage them to eat first before taking meds. We tell them to always take good care of their body.You have to love yourself as much as you love your family or your pet. Take care of yourself, treat yourself with more value. Do not forget to follow the doctor’s prescription accurately. Practice good hygiene, eat healthy food, and avoid vices. You must nourish your mind as well and keep on learning.

So much change will happen to your life if you master yourself. There will be less chaos and more order. If your well-being is in excellent condition, it will follow through, and other aspects of your life will follow as well.


Make friends with people who want the best for you

Jordan Peterson grew up in a small, boring town. There wasn’t much to do there, especially in the winter. He had a friend named Ed, who was a smart guy. But Ed became an angry, pessimistic teenager.They would go to house parties together or drive around town. Jordan went to college while Ed became heavily addicted to marijuana. Ed spent more time with his school drop-out friends. There was nothing Jordan could do to help.

One time, Ed visited Jordan in his college apartment. Jordan welcomed him, but it turned out Ed brought someone else. It was his friend, Carl. Jordan noticed at once that they were both high on marijuana. Carl sat down and stared at the ceiling. He said that his body was floating in the air.Eventually, Jordan took Ed aside and asked them to leave. Ed simply nodded. Maybe, it was because of loyalty that Ed kept on hanging out with Carl.It is sad to grow up in a community where people are lazy and mediocre.

But in the end, it’s still your choice. You can choose to surround yourself with people who will lift you. Stick with friends who will encourage you to be better and inspire you to succeed.You can choose not to be miserable. You can choose not to be like your alcoholic or addict friends. Find a purpose. Find people who can help you get on the right track.Every day is an opportunity for change. Leave the past behind and start over. With good friends on your side, you can find meaning in your life. You can look forward to days of happiness, hope, and love.


Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today

One day, you browse through social media and see the post of your friends. Some took a vacation in Europe. Some got promoted in their job. Some just got married. Some received an award, and some who finished masters or doctorate degrees. And there you are in your messy apartment, drinking beer with only your cat as a companion. You feel insecure and envious of your friends. You think that you’re probably going to die alone without even one thing to be proud of.That is not true. If you are a musician, do not compare yourself to Mozart. If you are a chef, do not compare yourself to Gordon Ramsay. You have unique skills. You, yourself, are a fantastic person.

Instead of comparing your life to other people, compare yourself to what you were yesterday. Then you will really see the difference. Strive to become better every day and practice your skill. Take note of your progress. You will surely be proud of yourself.Being insecure is not a good habit to have. Instead of browsing through social media or criticizing yourself, focus your time and energy on doing something productive. If you stop procrastinating and start practicing, you will improve. Just keep on doing what you love.

Comparing yourself to others will only bring chaos to your life. And only make you worse. Be a better person than you were yesterday. Be a better person than you were this morning. Your life will surely be extraordinary. And you wouldn’t need a social media post to prove it.


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